[諧趣英文] Today's Tip 今日之獎/講
文:董更懂 圖:陳聖博
A clown in brown was chased by a hound. He bounded round a mount and over a mound. At last he came to town but lost his gown. There he walked on as the road wound. Suddenly a sound came and his back got a pound. He fell down and found a crown. The crown was safe and sound on the ground. But he frowned because he could not wear it and it was not enough to buy a gown. |
〔中譯〕 ㄧ個穿棕色衣服的小丑被ㄧ隻獵狗追。他繞著山蹦跳,又跳過小土堆。最後他到城裡來,可是丟了外袍。在那裡,隨著路紆迴蜿蜒,他繼續走。突然間,來了個聲響而他的背就遭到碰撞。他倒下來而看到ㄧ個王冠銀幣,那個王冠銀幣在地上安安好好的。可是他卻皺眉頭,因為他不能戴它,它又不夠買衣袍。 〔注解〕 1. 這段敘述中,所有英文字裡的 ou 或 ow 均與 now 同韻。 2. bind, bound, bound:綁。 但bound, bounded, bounded:蹦跳 (= leap)、彈跳 (= bounce)。 3. mount:山 (= 大山 mountain 或 小山 hill )。 mound:小土推、土墩、塚。 4. wind, wound, wound:紆迴、蜿蜒。與 find, found, found 同韻。 可是 wound, wounded, wounded:受傷。此 ou 唸 /u/。 5. pound:重擊、碰撞 (而發出砰的聲音)。 safe and sound: 安全完好的。 6. crown:王冠 或 (印有王冠之) 五先令銀幣。小丑倒下看到的 crown 是王冠銀幣,所以不能戴。 7. frown:鎖眉 (= contract one’s brows) 以表不悅或憂戚。 |