[谐趣英文] Today's Tip 今日之奖/讲
文:董更懂 图:林凯婷
念音【TT24】 A monk wearing a cowl and carrying a bowl came forward and said scowlingly, “Mercy, men! I saw it. The homeless dog prowled everywhere, howling in cold and growling with hunger, until it caught a barn-door fowl, devoured it, and was foully beaten to death in all its howling and growling.” |
〔中译〕 一个和尚带头巾拿个碗走向前来,皱着眉头说:「慈悲啊,大德们!我看到了。那流浪狗到处逡巡,在寒冷中号叫,在饥饿中咆哮。后来牠抓到一只仓门鸡,吃掉了牠,却在整个呼号咆哮中被龌龊地打死。」 〔注解〕 1. cowl: 指和尚 (monk) 戴的头巾 (hood),或连帽带衣 (with hood and cloak) 的僧袍。 2. bowl: 碗。 用以盛饭菜或化缘取财。此 ow 念 /o/。 3. scowl: 蹙眉,皱眉头,是 wrinkle the forehead (额头起纹) 而且 lower the eyebrows (拉下眉毛),表示不悦的样子。frown 是紧缩眉毛的动作而已,也是不悦,但更有忧思。 4. homeless clog: 无家的狗,指「流浪狗」或「走失狗」(astray dog)。 5. prowl: 逡巡 (以便找食物)。 6. howl (号叫), growl (咆哮吠叫),与 cowl, scowl, prowl, 和 now 押同一个韵。 7. a barn-door fowl: 谷仓门前的鸡 (指一般的鸡)。 foul: 污秽的,龌龊的。foul 与 fowl 是同音字。 8. 这段话中,讨饭化缘的 monk, 显然把人比成狗。到处乞讨只为一饱。用偷用抢或许不得已,但下场会更糟,虽然人性的凶残很可议。 |