[病例 2]

 病句 It is delighted to welcome friends from afar.

 西元 20057月某日,我跟中興大學蕭校長、台北大學侯校長等一行十幾人到桃園縣鶑歌鎮一家著名的陶瓷藝品店參觀,看到店中有上列的「病句」。那句顯然是改自「有朋自遠方來,不亦悅乎?」的歡迎詞,看來很有創意。只可惜,英文翻譯錯了,當場我曾經告訴老闆要如何更正過來,不知現在改了沒有? 

正句We are delighted to welcome friends from afar.

It is delightful to welcome friends from afar.

We delight to welcome friends from afar. 


一、 全世界的語言都有所謂「動詞」(verbs),可是並非所有的動詞都是表示動作的詞語,像英文的「be動詞」(包括be, am, are, is, was, were),譯成中文為「是」或「在」(I am John, I am here),哪有什麼動作呢?它的文法功能好像只是在連結「主詞」 (subject) 和「述語」 (predicate) 而已,所以它被歸類為「連結動詞」 (copulaslinking verbs) 之一種。 

二、 英文另有一類特殊的動詞,這類動詞文法家還沒有給它取名稱,但我們可以稱之為「表達情緒的動詞」(verb expressing emotion),簡稱 EV( emotional verb)。這類動詞包括delight, please, gratify, annoy, grieve, amaze, shock, surprise, thrill, horrify, excite, disappoint…等等,有關喜怒、哀傷、驚嚇、興奮、失望的動詞。這些動詞在表達那些心神狀態時,或許會有某種表情甚於動作 (如驚嚇時發抖) 的意涵,但實際上都不是像打殺、吃喝那麼明顯的動作。 

三、 表達情緒的動詞,在文法上最主要的特徵就是:它的受詞 (object) 通常是會有情緒反應的人或動物,其他東西除非把它「擬人化」 (personified),否則不會當 「情緒動詞」 的受詞。所以我們會說 “Something pleases the boy, annoys the dogs, shocked all of us, etc.” 不太會說 “Something pleases the tree, annoy the stone, shocked the rivers and lakes, etc.” 

四、 英文是有「被動語態」 (passive voice) 的語言。在被動語態中,原來的受詞變主詞,原來的主詞通常變成「by + 此主詞變成的受詞」。故前面的例句會變成 “The boy is pleased, the dog is annoyed, all of us were shocked, etc, by something” 。其實,這種「會有情緒反應的人或動物 + be + 情緒動詞的過去分詞 (past participle) 的被動語型,是常見的英文句型。 

五、 現在回到原「病句」 (“It is delighted to welcome friends from afar.”)。這句話是用 “It” 當主詞,而 “It” = “to welcome friends from afar”  (歡迎朋友遠來)。可見,這主詞是一件事,不是會有情緒反應的人或動物。也因此, “It is delighted to…” 是錯的。如果改為 “We are delighted to …” 便對了。因為 “We”  (我們)是「人」,人才會 “be delighted”  (被愉悅起來) 

六、 「主詞 + be + 情緒動詞之 p.p.」這種句型,雖然是被動語態,卻通常不好譯成「被」。 “We are criticized” 可譯成「我們被批評」, “We are delighted” 實在不好譯成「我們被愉悅起來」,而應譯成「我們很快樂」。同理, “We are grieved, amazed, excited, disappointed…” 應譯成「我們很悲傷、吃驚、興奮、失望」等等,不應譯成「我們被弄得悲傷、吃驚、興奮、失望起來」。 

七、 S + be + EV p.p.」這種句型,往往後面還要加字,但通常不是加「by受詞」。例如:我們通常不說 “We are delighted by friends” ,而會直接說 “Friends delight us” 同理,我們也很少說 “I was surprised by him”,而較常說 “He surprised me”  (他令我吃驚)。不過,在必要時,加「by…」或「to V…..」或加「其他介詞」來補述句意,也是常見的。為免囉嗦,下面便直接提出例句供參考:

1.    We were delighted to hear of your success.


2.    She is pleased with her new clothes.


3.    I was gratified to join your group.


4.   He was annoyed about my absence, at the interruption, with the guards, and by the unreasonable hecklers.


5.   My daughter was grieved to learn of her death (at the sad news, about the matter, for her mother, over the loss).

由於得悉她的死亡 (聽到那悲傷的消息時、有關那件事、為她母親、因為那損失),我女兒感到悲傷。

6.    Bill was amazed to find me here (at my genius).


7.    Everybody was shocked by the accident ( to hear of the accident, at the news).


8.    We are surprised at the number of guests (to find so many guests).


9.    The spectators were all thrilled with joy (for me, to see me win the championship).


10.  I am always horrified at the thought of losing her.


11.  Who would not be excited (by the news, at the disclosure, about the matter, for our country, over the implication, to hear it)?

 (被此消息引起、對此揭曉、關於此事、為我們國家、由於此意涵、聽到它) 誰不會興奮?

12.  He is obviously disappointed (in you, with the result, at not being invited, to come back)

 (對於你、對此結果、對沒被邀請、由於回家) 他顯然失望。 

八、 說了這麼多,我們還沒有說完該說的話。現在補充一點:此類情緒動詞也常用「be + EV p.p. + that 子句」來表達對某事的情緒。例如: I am pleased (delighted, gratified, annoyed, grieved, amazed, shocked, surprised, thrilled, horrified, excited, disappointed) that you are here.  (我高興、驚訝、失望你在這裡)。注意:「that 子句」前通常不會有介系詞,而有時 (尤其講話時)  “that” 也可省略。如: “I'm pleased you are here.” 

九、 補充第二點:英文動詞的過去分詞都有「被動」或「完成」的含義,EVp.p. 也多少有「被」或「己經了」之含義。如 “I am shocked” 有「我被嚇」與「我現在己驚嚇到」之含義。相對的,英文動詞的現在分詞(Ving)就有「主動」或「進行」的含義。如 “The news is shocking”便是消息「令人驚嚇」而「現在是嚇人」。因此,實際上所有的 EV 都常以現在分詞或過去分詞的形式出現在句子中。區別在於:人、事、物都可能「令人有某種情緒」,可是通常只有人或某種動物才會「被引起某種情緒」,也因此,我們會說 “The girl, the bear, the story, etc., is shocking”  (那女孩,那隻熊,那個故事等很嚇人),也會說 “The girl, as well as the bear, is shocked”  (那女孩以及那隻熊被嚇到了),但不會說 “The story is shocked.” (那故事被嚇到了) 

十、 既然 EV 都可用現在分詞來表示「令人」,那麼我們可以不可以說 “It is delighting to welcome friends from afar” 呢?沒錯,理論上,任何事情(包括「有朋自遠方來」)都可能是 “delighting” (令人愉悅),或 “annoying” (令人惱怒),或 “disappointing” (令人失望)。而說 “It is delighting to …” 在文法上並沒有錯誤。只是,英文已有 “delightful” (充滿歡心的)這個形容詞,大家較常用它,因此在許多場合你不用 “delightful” 而用 “delighting” 聽起來便怪怪的。所以,我們的建議是用 “It is delightful to welcome friends from far.” 來當正句之一,而不用 “delighting” 這個字。同理,我們比較會接受 “It is pleasant to have so many friends” (有那麼多朋友很愉快),比較不說 “It is pleasing to have so many friends” 。而 “grievous” “grieving” 的關係也是如此。至於其他的 EV,如果只有 Ving 的形式可表示「令人」,當然就會用此形式了。如 “It is gratifying, annoying, amazing, shocking, surprising, thrilling, horrifying, exciting, disappointing, etc., to meet you”  (遇見你令人大喜,愠怒等等) 

十一、 喜怒哀樂、驚慌、失望等各種情緒都是外人或外物來刺激我們所引起的,所以英文才會用 “I am delighted, grieved, horrified…” 這種「看似被動」的語態。可是,人雖然不會主動的去驚嚇、失望或懊惱,卻似乎可以主動的去「樂於」、「悲於」或「興奮於」某件事物。就是因為這樣,所以 “please” “delight” “grieve” “thrill” 等字,也都常有主動的句法,例如:

1.   You can take as much as you please.


2.   I delight in teasing her.


3.   We grieve at the news (over the loss, to see her dead).


4.   He thrilled at the success (to win the prize).


知道嗎? “Please come in”  (請進來),是來自 “If you please, come in.”  (如果你高興,進來吧)。中文把 “please” 譯成「請」,不是直譯的結果。 

十二、 另注意: “anger” 這個字雖然也是情緒的動詞,卻只能說 “Something or somebody angered me”  (某事或某人令我生氣) 這種話,而很少說 “I was angered…”。倒是 “I am angry with him, at being kept waiting, about the delay, for his failure, that he has cheated me”  (我氣他、氣被保持等著、氣這種耽擱、氣他失敗、氣他騙了我)這種句子很普遍。這就像”I am happy, glad, sorry…” 等的句型一樣。 

十三、 最後,我們再回到原「病句」。那句顯然是店主刻意寫來歡迎朋友自遠方來光顧用的。能用 “from afar” 而不用 “from far away” 來譯「自遠方來」,顯示懂得「文雅」,很有素養。但那句話的譯法很多,底下幾個都是對的:

1.   It is a ( our) (great) pleasure ( delight...joy) to welcome friends from afar.


2.   It is pleasant ( delightful, joyous) to welcome friends from afar.


3.   We are delighted (pleased, rejoiced) to welcome friends from afar.


4.   We delight in (take delight in) welcoming friends from afar.


5.   We delight to welcome friends from afar.


但那一句最好呢?我認為最後一種譯法最好,因為 “We delight to …”是「我們 (主動) 樂於 () …」,不是「有朋友自遠方來以後,在歡迎時,被動的感到喜樂」而已。 

十四、 我忍不住還要補一句:孔子所謂「有朋自遠方來,不亦悅乎?」最好譯成 “Isn't it a delight to have friends coming from afar?” 在這種譯法中, “to have friends coming from afar” 意謂「有朋友已經從遠方來或正從遠方來」= “to have friends who have come or are coming from afar.” 不過,把這種句子放在店中來歡迎顧客好嗎?我想:並不妥當。難道店主真的只歡迎遠來的顧客嗎?鶯歌人到那店裡買陶瓷,店主會不歡迎嗎?何不乾脆說 “We delight to welcome friends from everywhere” 呢?