He was a wolf monster in Norse
mythology. Once the gods asked the dwarfs to forge a cord that could
bind him. The dwarfs then fashioned it from the noise of a cat's
footfall, the beards of women, the roots of stones, the breath of fish,
and the spit of birds. When Fenrir was asked to test his strength by
being bound with this flimsy filament, the gods told him that it was
only a joke. But the wolf was too wary to be easily fooled. He
consented on the condition that Tyr (Odin's son) should place his hand
in Fenrir's mouth. As soon as he found that the cord was magic and
could not be broken, he bit off Tyr's hand.
“He was a wolf monster in Norse
“Once the gods asked the dwarfs to
forge a cord that could bind him”:有ㄧ次,眾神要眾矮人編造一條可以綁他的繩子。
(比 string 粗、比 rope 細)。
“The dwarfs then fashioned it from
the noise of a cat's footfall, the beards of women, the roots of stones,
the breath of fish, and the spit of birds”:那些矮人於是用貓的腳步聲、女人的鬍鬚、石頭的根、魚的氣息,和鳥的唾液去製成它。
“fashion from” (或 fashion
out of):從…去打造成形,用…製成。
聲幾乎聽不見,女人通常沒有 beards
“When Fenrir was asked to test his
strength by being bound with this flimsy filament”:當 Fenrir
被要求要去試他的力氣,藉由被這個脆弱的細繩綁住時。 “flimsy”:脆弱的、無力的。
“the gods told him that it was only
a joke”:眾神告訴他那只是一個玩笑。
“But the wolf was too wary to be
easily fooled”:可是這隻狼太機警了,不會容易被愚弄。
“too wary to ...”:太機警小心不會 …。
“He consented on the condition that Tyr (Odin's son) should place
his hand in Fenrir's
mouth”:他同意而條件是 Tyr
(Odin 的兒子)
要把他的手放在 Fenrir 的口中。
on (the) condition that:條件為 …。
(the) condition that + 子句,此句中的
可省去。故本句中 “should place”可改為
“As soon as he found that the cord was magic and could not be
broken, he bit off Tyr's hand”:他一發現那繩子是魔幻的而不能弄斷,他就咬掉 Tyr 的手。
“bite, bit, bitten”:咬。
Fenrir was a monster in Norse
mythology. Once the gods asked the dwarfs to f a c
that could bind him. The dwarfs then f it f
the noise of a cat's f , the b of women, the r
of stones, the b of fish, and the s of
birds. When Fenrir was asked to t his strength by being
with this flimsy f , the gods told him that it was
only a joke. But the wolf was too w to be easily fooled.
He con on the con that Tyr (Odin's son) place
his hand in Fenrir's mouth. As soon as he found that the cord was m
and could not be b , he b off Tyr's hand.