She and her brother Phrixus were given a ram with a
Golden Fleece on its back by the shade of Nephele, their dead mother, so
that they might escape from their stepmother Ino's hatred. Since the
ram could fly, they rode on its back. As the magic ram was crossing the
strait between Europe and Asia, however, Helle fell from its back.
Thereafter, the strait was called the Hellespont.
“She and her brother Phrixus were given a ram with a Golden
Fleece on its back by the shade of Nephele, their dead mother”:她和她的哥哥 Phrixus 被他們死去的母親 (Nephele) 的鬼魂給予一隻背部有金羊毛的公羊。
“so that they might escape from their stepmother Ino's hatred”:好讓他們可以逃離他們繼母 Ino 的仇恨。
“Since the ram could fly, they rode on its back”:既然那羊會飛,他們就騎在牠背上。
“As the magic ram was crossing the strait between Europe and
Asia, however”:但是當那魔羊正在越過亞歐之間的海峽時。
“Helle fell from its back”:Helle 從牠背上掉下來。
“Thereafter, the strait was called the Hellespont”:此後,那海峽就被稱做Hellespont
(Helle 之海)。該海峽即今日之達達尼爾海峽
(the Dardanelles)。 thereafter
= after that。
Helle and her brother Phrixus were given a ram with a
Golden F on its back by the sh of Nephele, their
dead mother, so that they might escape from their stepmother Ino's h
. Since the ram could fly, they rode its back. As the
magic ram was crossing the s between Europe and Asia,
however, Helle fell from its back. There , the strait was
called the Hellespont.