He was king of Athens and
husband of Medea. He fathered Theseus by an earlier union, and
recognized him as his son by the sword he bore. He expected Theseus to
kill the Minotaur, a monster with the head of a bull and the body of a
man. Theseus promised to do so and said that if he succeeded in slaying
the monster, he would herald the event by hoisting white sails, instead
of the customary black sails, on the vessel he would return in. But he
forgot to do this, and Aegeus, thinking his son dead, threw himself into
the sea, which is called the Aegean today.
“He fathered Theseus by an earlier union”:「他當了 Theseus 的父親,由於較早的一個結合」,即早先跟別的女人結合而生了 Theseus.
“and recognized him as his son by the sword he bore”:「而認得他是他兒子,靠著他帶的劍」。注意:
“recognize A as B”為「認出 A 就是 B」,
“bear”(攜帶) 的過去式。
“He expected Theseus to kill the Minotaur, a monster with the
head of a bull and the body of a man”:「他期望 Theseus 殺死 Minotaur,那是一隻有著牛頭與人身的妖怪」。
“Theseus promised to do so and said that…”:「Theseus 答應去那樣做而說…」。注意:
“so”(如此) 在
“to do so,” “I think so,” “to say so”中都是代名詞的用法,常可換成
“promised to do so”就等於
“promised to do this (或 that)”。
“if he succeeded in slaying the monster”:「如果他成功於殺死那妖怪」。
“he would herald the event”:「他將預報那事件」。
“herald the arrival of the President ”(預報總統之到來)。
“by hoisting white sails”:「藉由升起白帆」。注意:升帆、旗 (flags)、桶 (casks)、簍 (crates) 等都常用
“hoist”(升) 這個字。
“instead of the customary black sails”:「而不是習慣使用的黑帆」。
“instead of”是「取代」或「而不是」。
“on the vessel he would return in”:「在他回程會在裡頭的那條船上」。
“return in …”是「乘 … 回來」,如
“he returned in a car”(他乘車回來)。
“the vessel he would return in” = “the vessel which
he would return in”或
“the vessel in which he would return”。
“But he forgot to do this” = “ But he forgot to do so”(但他忘了做這個,忘了如此做)。
“and Aegeus, thinking his son dead,” = “and Aegeus, while (或 as) (he
was) thinking his son dead”:而 Aegeus 當 (或「因為」) (他是) 認為他兒子死了。
“threw himself into the sea, which is called the Aegean today”:「自己投入海中,那就是今日所謂的愛琴海」。
這個長段講了Aegeus 與 Theseus 的父子情。但有一說認為 Theseus 是故意不升白旗,好讓自己早一點有機會繼承父親的王位。妖怪 Minotaur 在克里特島上
(Crete)。 在妖怪沒有除掉以前,雅典人每年都必須送一批青年男女到島上當貢禮
(tribute) 或犧牲品
Aegeus was king of and
of Medea. He fathered Theseus an earlier union,
and recognized him his son the sword he . He expected Theseus to kill Minotaur, a monster the
head of a and the body of a man. Theseus promised to do
and said that if he succeeded slaying the monster, he
would h the event h white sails,
instead the customary black sails, on the v he
would return . But he forgot to do , and Aegeus,
thinking his son d , threw into the sea, which
is called Aegean today.