He was cousin of Agamemnon. Yet,
while Agamemnon was absent from home at the siege of Troy, Aegisthus
committed adultery with Clytemnestra, Agamemnon's wife. And they killed
Agamemnon on his return, and ruled his kingdom until they were both
slain by Orestes.
“Yet, while Agamemnon was absent from home”:可是,當 Agamemnon 不在家時。
“be absent from”:「不在 …」。
“at the siege of Troy”:在圍攻 Troy 城時。
“Aegisthus committed adultery with Clytemnestra”:Aegisthus 和 Clytemnestra 私通。
“commit adultery”:犯通姦罪;私通。
“they killed Agamemnon on his return”:他們殺死 Agamemnon 在他一回來時。
“on his return” = as soon as he returned。比較:
“on his departure” = “as soon as he departed” (他一出發)。
“and ruled his kingdom until they were both slain by Orestes”:而統治他的王國,直到兩人都被Orestes所殺。
“slay, slew, slain”
這段講到表兄弟的無情。 Aegisthus 利用希臘聯軍統帥 Agamemnon 征戰在外,而私通其妻,還弒其人,佔其國。
Aegisthus was c of
Agamemnon. Yet, while Agamemnon was absent home at the s
of Troy, Aegisthus c adultery with Clytemnestra,
Agamemnon's wife. And they killed Agamemnon his return, and
ruled his kingdom they were both s by Orestes.