He was son of Bor, by the giantess Bestla. In Norse
mythology he replaced Thor as the leader of the Aesir (gods). As the
sky god, he had two ravens (Hugin and Munin) that perched on his
shoulders. The two ravens, representing Thought and Memory, flew to
earth and returned to Odin every day with the news gathered. Though he
had only an eye, the eye was the sun. They say he was doomed to be
killed by the wolf Fenrir.
“He was son of Bor, by the giantess Bestla”:他是 Bor 和女巨人 Bestla 生的兒子。
“by”:藉由 … (而生的)。
“In Norse mythology he replaced Thor as the leader of the Aesir
(gods)”:在北歐神話中,他取代 Thor 成為 Aesir
據說:Odin 也叫 Wodon 或 Wotan,而 Wednesday 就是來自他的名。
“As the sky god, he had two ravens (Hugin and Munin) that perched
on his shoulders”:身為天神,他有兩隻烏鴉
raven 是大的 crow。
“The two ravens, representing Thought and Memory, flew to earth
and returned to Odin every day with the news gathered”:那兩隻烏鴉代表思想和記憶,每天飛到人間然後回到 Odin,帶著收集的消息。
“earth” 指人間,
“the earth”
“Though he had only an eye, the eye was the sun”:雖然他只有一隻眼睛,那隻眼睛就是太陽。據說:Odin 以挖掉他另ㄧ隻眼睛為條件,而被 Mimir 允許喝智慧之井水。
“They say he was doomed to be killed by the wolf Fenrir”:人家說他註定要被狼神 Fenrir 殺死。
“ be doomed to ...”:註定要 …。
Odin was son of Bor, the giantess Bestla.
In Norse mythology he re Thor as the leader of the Aesir
(gods). As the sky god, he had two r (Hugin and Munin) that
p on his shoulders. The two ravens, re
Thought and Memory, flew to earth and returned to Odin every day with
the news g . Though he had only an eye, the eye was the
sun. They say he was doomed to be killed by the wolf Fenrir.