
He was the giant son of Telamon.   He had great strength, but he was unintelligent and slow of speech.  He got the better of the contest in single combat with Hector.  He was mad with anger and disappointment and killed himself after he learned that Achilles' armor was awarded to Odysseus.   Later in the underworld, it is described, Odysseus encountered Ajax' shade and tried to placate him.   But since Ajax was not a man of words and still hated Odysseus' glibness, he stalked away sullenly in speechless anger. 


1.      “He was the giant son of Telamon”:他是 Telamon 的巨人兒子。

2.      “He had great strength, but he was unintelligent and slow of speech”:他有很大的力氣,但他的腦筋不好,言語遲鈍。 “unintelligent”:智商不高的。 “slow of speech”:言語慢。 “slow of action” 則是「動作慢」。

3.      “He got the better of the contest in single combat with Hector”:在單挑 Hector 時他競技中佔上風。 “get the better of ...” “have the better of ...”:「... 之中佔上風、佔優勢」。 “in single combat with ...” ... 單挑 (打鬥)

4.      “He was mad with anger and disappointment and killed himself”:他因生氣失望而發瘋,而自殺。 “go mad”:發瘋

5.      “after he learned that Achilles’ armor was awarded to Odysseus”:在他得悉 Achilles 的甲冑被獎賞給 Odysseus 時。Achilles 死後,他那甲冑是希臘英雄都想要的寶貝。 “armor” “armour”:甲冑。 “be awarded to ...”:被賞給 ...

6.      “Later in the underworld, it is described”:「據敘述,後來在下界時」。 “it is described” 插在句子中是「據敘述」之意。 “it is said” 則是「據說」。這種話如果提到句首,就要加 “that” 成為 “It is described that ...” “It is said that ...”

7.      “Odysseus encountered Ajax' shade” Odysseus 遇到了 Ajax 的鬼魂。 “encounter”:遭遇、邂逅。 “Ajax'”= “Ajax's” “shade”:指「鬼魂」。

8.      “and tried to placate him”:而試著要安撫他。 “placate”:「安撫」,與  appease, pacify, mollify 同義。

9.      “But since Ajax was not a man of words and still hated Odysseus' glibness”:可是既然 Ajax 不是會講話的人,而且還恨 Odysseus 油腔滑調。 “man of words”:會說話的人。 “glib(ness)”:口齒伶俐、油腔滑調。

10.  “he stalked away sullenly in speechless anger”:他陰沉的、生氣而不語的僭行離開。 “stalk”:僭行。 “sullen”:陰沉。 “in speechless anger”:在無語的生氣中。

11.  這段講巨人Ajax的特徵、個性、與遭遇。 


Ajax was the g     son of Telamon.  He had great s       , but he was unintelligent and slow    speech.  He got the        of the contest in single c      with Hector.  He w   mad with anger and d              and killed himself after he learned that Achilles' a     was a       to Odysseus.  Later in the underworld, it is d         , Odysseus e           Ajax'      and tried to p       him. But since Ajax was not a man of w     and still hated Odysseus' g       , he s        away sullenly in speechless anger.





