She was daughter of Tyndareus
and Leda, half sister to Helen, wife of Agamemnon, and paramour of
Aegisthus. She murdered her husband on his return from Troy, partly out
of hatred for his sacrificing their daughter Iphigenia and partly out of
jealousy of Cassandra, whom he had brought back as a captive concubine.
Her son Orestes killed her in retaliation for the murder.
“She was daughter of Tyndareus and
Leda, half sister to Helen, wife of Agamemnon, and paramour of Aegisthus”:
Tyndareus 和
Leda 的女兒,對
Helen 而言是半姐妹,是
Agamemnon 的妻子,以及
Aegisthus 的情婦。
“half sister”:
同父異母或同母異父之姐妹。 她和
Helen 同為
Leda 所生,但
Helen 之父親為
“paramour”: 情婦或情夫。
“She murdered her husband on his
return from Troy”:
她謀殺她丈夫,在他從特洛依回來時。 “on one's return” = as
soon as one returned (在某人回來後立即)
“partly out of hatred for his
sacrificing their daughter Iphigenia”:
部分由於恨他犧牲了他們的女兒 Iphigenia。
“and partly out of jealousy of
Cassandra”: 而一部分由於妒嫉
Cassandra (Troy 的公主)。
“whom he had brought back as a
captive concubine”:他帶她回來當俘虜作妾。
“concubine”: 妾。
“Her son Orestes killed her in
retaliation for the murder”: 她的兒子
Orestes 殺她以報復這個謀害。
“in retaliation for...”:
為了報復 …。
Clytemnestra was daughter of Tyndareus and Leda, ____ sister to Helen,
wife of Agamemnon, and p______ of Aegisthus. She murdered her husband
___ his return from Troy, partly out of h_____ for his sacrificing their
daughter Iphigenia and partly out of j_____ of Cassandra, whom he had
brought back as a captive c_____. Her son Orestes killed her in
re______ for the murder.