
She was the faithful wife of Odysseus.  During the twenty years when Odysseus was absent at the Trojan War and in his subsequent wanderings, she kept her fidelity to her husband although she was sought in marriage by fifty insolent suitors, especially Antinous.  To gain time she said she could not marry again until she had finished weaving a fine shroud for Odysseus' father, the aged Laertes, against the day of his death.  Then each night she unwove what she had woven during the day.  Today, we may praise a woman for being as chaste as Penelope. 



1.      She was the faithful wife of Odysseus:她是 Odysseus 的忠贞的妻子。

2.      During the twenty years when Odysseus was absent at the Trojan War and in his subsequent wanderings:在那 Odysseus 不在 (而参与特洛伊战争以及接着的到处流浪) 的二十年中。  subsequent:接着的。

     据说Odysseus 参战十年,战后在海上流浪十年才回到家乡 Ithaca

3.      she kept her fidelity to her husband although she was sought in marriage by fifty insolent suitors, especially Antinous:她保持对丈夫忠贞,虽然有五十个无礼的追求者,尤其 Antinous,来寻求要跟她结婚。 fidelity:忠贞 (=  faithfulness) insolent:傲慢的、无礼的。

4.      To gain time she said she could not marry again until she had finished weaving a fine shroud for Odysseus' father, the aged Laertes, against the day of his death:为了赢取时间,她说她不能再结婚,直到她织完一件精致的尸衣给 Odysseus 的父亲 (那年老的 Laertes) 以备他去逝的日子之需。 a fine shroud:一件精致的尸衣。  against:以备…之需。

5.      Then each night she unwove what she had woven during the day:接着她每晚解开她白天时所织成的东西。 unweave, unwove, unwoven:打开、解开 (所编织的)

6.      Today, we may praise a woman for being as chaste as Penelope’”:今天我们或许会称赞一位妇女因为她是「像 Penelope 一般贞洁」。 



Penelope was the f         wife of Odysseus.  During the twenty years when Odysseus was ab      at the Trojan War and in his sub         wanderings, she kept her f         to her husband although she was sought in marriage by fifty in       suitors, especially Antinous.  To g     time she said she could not marry again until she had finished weaving a fine sh      for Odysseus' father, the aged Laertes, a      the day of his death.  Then each night she un      what she had woven during the day.  Today, we may praise a woman for being as ch      as Penelope.





