He was son of Aeëtes and brother of Medea. To facilitate Jason's escape from Colchis, after he had obtained the Golden Fleece, Medea cut Absyrtus into pieces and strewed them in the way of her pursuing father.
“son of … brother of …”:英文表示「身份」時,其名詞前不加冠詞,故 “He is son of … and brother of …” (他是某人之子與某人之兄弟)。
他例: “We elected him president” (我們選他為主席)。
“To facilitate Jason's escape from Colchis”:「為了使Jason 逃離 Colchis」。 “To facilitate …” = “In order to facilitate …” (為了使…很容易)。 “ Jason's escape from Colchis”為「Jason 之逃離 Colchis」。
他例: “To facilitate your work at home” (為了使你在家容易工作)。
“after he had obtained the Golden Fleece”:「在他獲得了金羊毛之後」。 “after某人 had p.p.”是針對過去某時候已經完成某事之用法。他例: “after we had crossed the river” (在我們過了河之後)。 “obtained”是「獲得」,等於 “got”,但比較有經過怒力而獲得之含義。
“Medea cut Absyrtus into pieces”:「Medea 把 Absyrtus 砍成碎片」。 “cut…into pieces”為「切或砍成小片或碎片」之成語。他例: “She cut the cake into eight pieces”(她切蛋糕成為八片)。
“and strewed them in the way of her pursuing father”:「而撒它們在她父親追捕的路中」。 “strewed”是「撒放、散佈」。 “ in the way”是「在路中」,與 “on the way”(在路上)不同。前者有「擋路」之意,後者有「在進行中」之意。故 “Who got in the way?”為「誰礙了路?」,而 “I am still on the way”為「我仍在旅途中」。 “ her pursuing father”為「她的追擊中的父親」, “pursuing”來自 “pursue”,有「追捕、追擊、追趕、追求」等含義,在此指「追擊或追捕中」之意。
整段話講的故事是:Medea 敢愛敢做,她愛上 Jason。 Jason 到 Colchis 來偷走金羊毛,父王於是追捕他。 Medea 為了幫情人逃亡,竟然殺死親弟弟Absyrtus,還把人砍成碎片撒在路中,用以阻礙追擊。
Absyrtus was of Aeëtes and of Medea. To f Jason's escape Colchis, after he had o the Golden F , Medea cut Absyrtus into and s them the way of her p father.