He was a handsome young shepherd
loved by Selene (or Diana), the moon. He was put in eternal sleep so
that he might remain forever young, or so that Luna might visit him in
full somnolence. Anyway, they say the goddess bore him fifty daughters,
who came to be symbolic of the fifty lunar months between Olympic Games.
“He was a handsome young shepherd loved by Selene (or Diana), the
moon”:他是年輕英俊的牧羊人,被 Selene
“He was put in eternal sleep so that he might remain forever
“or so that Luna might visit him in full somnolence”:或者,好讓盧娜可以在他完全昏睡中來找他。
“Anyway, they say the goddess bore him fifty daughters”:總之,人家說那女神給他生了五十個女兒。
“who came to be symbolic of the fifty lunar months between
Olympic Games”:她們後來變成兩個奧運會之間相隔五十個農曆月份的象徵。
“be symbolic of A”:是 A 的象徵。
“lunar months”:農曆之月份
“lunar year”
即農曆年。 “Olympic Games”:奧林匹克運動會
Endymion was a handsome young sh
loved by Selene (or Diana), the . He was put in e
sleep so that he might remain f young, or so that
Luna might visit him in full s . Anyway, they say the
goddess b him fifty daughters, who came to be s
of the fifty l months between Olympic Games.