Called Bellona in Roman
mythology, she was the goddess of war, and sometimes the wife sometimes
the sister of Ares (Mars). She was distinguished by her ferocity and
fury. She often rushed madly about the battlefield with a whip in her
hand, yelling and lashing the combatants to murderous hatred.
“Called Bellona in Roman mythology, she was the goddess of war,
and sometimes the wife sometimes the sister of Ares (Mars)”:
在羅馬神話裡被稱為 Bellona,她是戰爭的女神,有時是 Ares (Mars) 的妻子,有時是他妹妹。Are s或 Mars 為戰神。
“She was distinguished by her ferocity and fury”:她以凶猛暴怒而出名。
“be distinguished by ...”:以 … 出名、出色。
“She often rushed madly about the battlefield with a whip in her
“rushed about ...”:在 … 四處衝。
“yelling and lashing the combatants to murderous hatred”:嘶喊著而鞭打著戰鬥者,使到達欲殺之而後快的恨意。
“combatant”: 戰鬥者。
Called Bellona in Roman
mythology, Enyo was the goddess of , and sometimes the wife
sometimes the of Ares (Mars). She was d
by her f and f . She often rushed madly
about the battlefield with a w in her hand, yelling and l
the combatants to m hatred.