He was one of the Seven Against
Thebes, and the only one to survive the expedition. Ten years later, he
led the sons of the original Seven in a second attack against the city. This time they captured it. Yet, he lost his son in the battle, and then
he died of grief.
“He was one of the Seven Against Thebes”:「他是『征 Thebes 七戰士』之一」。“against”是「攻打」之意。
“and the only one to survive the expedition”:「也是唯一活過該征戰的人」。“survive…”是「活過 …」或「比 … 活得久」,“expedition”是「遠征、探險」,在此指「征戰」。“survive
the expedition”就是「活過此征戰、經歷征戰而未死」。如果說某人“survive
the fire”就是「火災後沒死」,說他“survive
his wife”就是「比太太活得久,太太死後他沒死」。
“Ten years later, he led the sons of the original Seven in a
second attack against the city”:「十年後,他率領原先七戰士的兒子第二次攻打那城市」。“original”是「原先的」。“in
a second attack”是「在某第二次攻擊中」。
“This time they captured it”:「這次他們佔領了它」。“capture”指「虜獲」或「佔領」。
“Yet, he lost his son in the battle”:「可是,他在戰役中失去兒子」。
“and then he died of grief”:「而然後他死於哀傷」。“die
of …”是慣用語,指「死於…」。他例:“Many
people died of SARS”(許多人死於 SARS 疾病)。
這段講到「征Thebes七戰士」的故事。Oedipus 放逐自己後,其兩兒子 Eteocles 與 Polynices 同意輪流統治 Thebes 這城邦。老大先統治後,卻食言,不肯輪流統治。老二與其他六友人包括 Adrastus 共七人,便來攻打 Thebes,可是戰敗,七人只剩 Adrastus 一人。十年後他再率領下一代來攻打,雖然戰勝,卻喪子而自己悲痛而亡。
Adrastus was one of the Seven
Thebes, and the one to survive the e
. Ten years later, he led the sons of the o Seven
a second attack against the city. This time they c
it. Yet, he lost his son the battle, and then he died grief.