She was wife of the greatest
mortal musician Orpheus. She was bitten by a snake and died. The
grief-stricken Orpheus went down into Hell to bring her back. His
moving music, it is said, even drew iron tears down Pluto's cheek. So
Pluto (Hades) agreed to let her go, but on the condition that she must
follow Orpheus all the way and he must not look back to see her until
they reach the upper world. It so happened, then, that as soon as
Orpheus stepped out of the cavern, he turned back to greet her, and that
was a bit too soon, for she was still in the underworld. Thus, she
disappeared on the instant, never to return.
“She was wife of the greatest mortal musician Orpheus”:她是凡人中最偉大的樂師 Orpheus 的妻子。
“She was bitten by a snake and died”:她被蛇咬到而死去。
“bite, bit, bitten”:咬。
“The grief-stricken Orpheus went down into Hell to bring her
back”:哀傷的 Orpheus 下到地獄去,要把她帶回來。
“His moving music, it is said, even drew iron tears down Pluto's
Pluto 的鐵淚流下臉頰。
“drew tears down”:拉眼淚下到…。
“iron tears”:鐵淚、硬漢之淚。
“So Pluto (Hades) agreed to let her go, but on the condition
Pluto (即Hades)
“on (the) condition that ...”:以 … 為條件,基於 … 之條件。
“she must follow Orpheus all the way and he must not look back to
see her until they reach the upper world”:她必須全程跟隨
“It so happened, then, that as soon as Orpheus stepped out of the
cavern, he turned back to greet her”:事情就那麼發生了:Orpheus
“and that was a bit too soon, for she was still in the
“Thus, she disappeared on the instant, never to return”:就這樣,她在那一剎那消失掉了,永遠不再回來。
“on the instant”:在那剎那間。
“..., never to V”:永不…。
他例: “He went away, never to see her” (他走掉,永不見她)。
Eurydice was wife of the
greatest m musician Orpheus. She was b by a
snake and died. The grief- Orpheus went down into Hell
to bring her back. His m music, it is said, even drew i
tears down Pluto's cheek. So Pluto (Hades) agreed to let her go,
but the condition that she must follow Orpheus all the
and he must not look back to see her until they reach the up
world. It so happened, then, that as soon as Orpheus stepped out
of the c , he turned back to g her, and that
was a too soon, for she was still in the underworld. Thus,
she disappeared the instant, n to return.