He was the son of Launcelot and
Elaine, and a knight of the Round Table. Because he was purest in heart
among the knights, he had the strength of ten and was destined to find
the Holy Grail. His name is suggestive of gallantry as well as spotless
was the son of Launcelot and Elaine, and a knight of the Round Table”:他是 Launcelot 與 Elaine 的兒子,也是圓桌武士之ㄧ。
2. “Because he was
purest in heart among the knights, he had the strength of ten”:因為他是武士中心地最純潔的,所以他有十個人的力量
“and was destined to find the Holy
“be destined to ...”:註定會 ...。
“Holy Grail”:聖杯
“His name is suggestive of
gallantry as well as spotless purity.”:他的名字令人想到豪俠作風以及無污點的純潔。
“be suggestive of”:令人聯想到 …。
Galahad was the son of Launcelot and Elaine, and a
knight of the Table. Because he was p in heart
among the knights, he had the strength of t and was d
to find the Holy G . His name is suggestive gallantry
as well as s purity.