She was a sea nymph beloved by Acis (son of Faunus) and Polyphemus (the
one- eyed giant). She rejected the latter's suit and he crushed the
former under a huge rock. She wept so copiously that she was changed
into a fountain.
2. It was the name of the statue which Pygmalion made
and fell in love with. Later, Aphrodite gave life to it so that
Pygmalion could marry her.
“She was a sea nymph beloved by Acis (son of Faunus) and
Polyphemus (the one -eyed giant)”:她是個海邊的女神,被 Acis
(牧神 Faunus 的兒子)
和 Polyphemus
“She rejected the latter's suit and he crushed the former under a
huge rock”:她拒絕後者的追求,而他把前者壓碎在一塊巨石之下。“the
latter, the former”:
後者、前者。 “suit”:追求
(= wooing, courtship)。
“crash”: 「撞毀」。
“”She wept so copiously that she was changed into a fountain.”:她哭得那麼多,以至於被變成泉水。
“It was the name of the statue which Pygmalion made and fell in
love with”:那是Pygmalion製造而愛上的雕像之名字。
“Later, Aphrodite gave life to it so that Pygmalion could marry
her”:後來,愛神 Aphrodite 給它生命,好讓 Pygmalion 可以跟她結婚。
“give life to ...”:給生命於 ...。
Galatea was a sea nymph be by Acis (son of Faunus)
and Polyphemus (the one- giant). She re the
latter's s and he crushed the f under a huge
rock. She wept so c that she was changed into a fountain.
2. It was the name of the s which Pygmalion
made and fell in love with. Later, Aphrodite gave to it so
that Pygmalion could marry her.