
She envied Niobe her six sons and six daughters.  Out of envious hatred, she resolved to kill one of them.  But she killed her own and only child Itylus by mistake.  In order to ease her grief, Zeus changed her into a nightingale.  That is why the bird often sings in plaintive melody. 




1.      She envied Niobe her six sons and six daughters:「她羨幕 Niobe 有六個兒子和六個女兒」。注意envy(羨幕) 可接人或接物為受詞,也可接人再接物為受詞,例如I envy himI envy his fine gardenI envy him his fine gardenenvy的形容詞為envious


2.      Out of envious hatred, she resolved to kill one of them:「出於忌恨,她決心要殺死他們之一」。resolve是「決心」。


3.      But she killed her own and only child Itylus by mistake:「但她誤殺了自己唯一的小孩 Itylus」。kill by mistake就是「誤殺」。eat by mistake便是「誤食」。


4.      In order to ease her grief, Zeus changed her into a nightingale:「為了減輕她的悲傷,Zeus 把她變成夜鶯」。ease one's grief是「減輕某人的悲傷」,ease one's pain則是「減輕某人之痛苦」。


5.      That is why the bird often sings in plaintive melody.:「那就是為甚麼那種鳥會常常用悲傷的曲調在唱歌」。in plaintive melody是「以哀傷的旋律或曲調」。




Aëdon e     Niobe her six sons and six daughters.  Out of envious h     , she r       to kill one of them.  But she killed her own and      child Itylus    mistake.  In order to e    her grief, Zeus changed her into a n         .  That is why the bird often sings in p        melody.





