He was a Burgundian king. He desired to marry Brunhild, but was afraid to ride through the flames that surrounded her
castle. Siegfried disguised himself in his likeness and did the feat. Brunhild then married Gunther, only to learn the truth too late.
Afterwards, Brunhild had Sieghried murdered, and Gunther was killed by
Kriemhild, who was Siegfried's wife and Gunther's sister.
“He desired to marry Brunhild, but was afraid to ride through the
flames that surrounded her castle”:他欲想娶 Brunhild,卻害怕騎馬經過圍繞她城堡的火燄。
“Siegfried disguised himself in his likeness and did the feat”:Siegfried
裝扮自己成為他的樣子,而做了那功績。 “in one's likeness”:成為某人之模樣。
“Brunhild then married Gunther, only to learn the truth too late”:
Brunhild 於是嫁 Gunther,結果太晚得悉真相。
“, only to ...”:結果 …。
“He left his own country, only to die abroad”:他離開自己的家鄉,結果死在外地。
“Afterwards, Brunhild had Sieghried murdered, and Gunther was
killed by Kriemhild, who was Siegfried's wife and Gunther's sister”:後來 Brunhild 令 Sieghried 被謀殺,而 Gunther 被 Siegfried 的妻子亦即 Gunther 的妹妹 Kriemhild 殺死。
Gunther was a Burgundian king. He desired to marry
Brunhild, but was afraid to ride through the f that s
her castle. Siegfried disguised himself in his l
and did the f . Brunhild then married Gunther, o
to learn the truth too late. Afterwards, Brunhild h Sieghried
murdered, and Gunther was killed by Kriemhild, who was Siegfried's wife
and Gunther's sister.