He was king of Calydon. He offended Artemis and she
sent a savage boar to ravage his kingdom. A number of heroes assembled
to hunt and slay the boar. And this hunting became a heroic event in
addition to the voyage of the Argonauts, the Seven Against Thebes, and
the Trojan War.
“He offended Artemis and she sent a savage boar to ravage his
kingdom”: 他冒犯了
Artemis 而她送一頭凶猛的野豬來蹂躪他的王國。
“A number of heroes assembled to hunt and slay the boar”:
“And this hunting became a heroic event in addition to the voyage
of the Argonauts, the Seven Against Thebes, and the Trojan War”:
Thebes, 以及特洛伊戰爭以外,另一個附加的英雄事件。
In addition to :
除了… 之外另有的。
Oeneus was king of Calydon. He offended Artemis and
she sent a savage b____ to r_____ his kingdom. A number of heroes
as______ to hunt and slay the boar. And this hunting became a heroic
event in a______ to the voyage of the Argonauts, the Seven Against
Thebes, and the Trojan War.