
He was God of the winds, living on the island of Aeolia.  He kept the winds chained there within bronze bulwarks.  In order to help Odysseus reach home safely, he gave him a bull's hide within which all contrary winds were confined.  Odysseus' crew, however, mistook the leathern bag for a treasure sack.  They opened it when they came in sight of Ithaca, their hometown,  and so they were all swept across the sea by the released winds, leaving only Odysseus to see their homeland again. 




1.      He was God of the winds:他是風神 (眾風之神)


2.      living on the island of Aeolia:住在 Aeolia 的島上。living …” 這種分詞構句 =  and lived…”


3.      He kept the winds chained there:他把風一直鏈鎖在那裡。chained:被用鏈鎖住。


    注意keep p.p.是「使 一直被 」。 他例keep him respected (使他一直被尊敬)


4.      within bronze bulwarks:在青銅的堡壘之內。bronze是「青銅」,brass則是「黃銅」,而copper是一般的「紅銅」。bulwark是「堡壘、防禦工事」。


5.      In order to help Odysseus reach home safely:為了幫忙 Odysseus 平安回到家。


6.      he gave him a bull's hide:他給他一張牛皮。bull是「公牛」,hide是「獸皮」。


7.      within which all contrary winds were confined:在裡頭,所有的逆風都被監禁起來。contrary:相反的、抗逆的。confine:監禁。


8.      Odysseus' crew, however, mistook the leathern bag for a treasure sack:可是Odysseus 的水手誤以為那皮囊是個寶物袋。crew指「全體水手」。leathern”:皮製的。sack:大袋子。


    注意mistake A for B為「把 A 誤認為 B」,如:mistook him for his brother (誤認他為他弟弟)


9.      They opened it when they came in sight of Ithaca, their hometown:他們打開它,當他們看見家鄉Ithaca時。come in sight of …”是「來到能看見 的距離內」。他例We have come in sight of the tower now (現在我們已經得以看見塔了)


10.  and so they were all swept across the sea by the released winds:因此他們都被釋出來的風掃過海上。sweep across:橫掃過去。released:被釋放的。


11.  leaving only Odysseus to see their homeland again:只留下 Odysseus 一人可以再度看到他們的家鄉。leaving …” = and left …”homeland指「家鄉的土地」,hometown則指「家鄉的城鎮」。


12.  這一段講風神如何管制風,也講到風袋令人好奇遭難的故事。




Aeolus was God of the      , living    the island of Aeolia.  He kept the winds c       there within b      bulwarks.  In order to help Odysseus r     home safely, he gave him a bull's h    within which all c         winds were c        . Odysseus' c   , however, mistook the leathern bag for a treasure s   .  They opened it when they came    sight    Ithaca, their h       , and so they were all s______ across the sea by the r        winds, leaving only Odysseus to see their h______ again.





