
Alias Asclepius or Asklepios, and represented as a bearded old man bearing a staff entwined around with a serpent, he is the god of medicine and healing.  He learned his leechcraft from a centaur.  It is said that he was killed by a thunderbolt because he had violated the order of nature by restoring Hippolytus to life.  But another version has it that his death was owing to his good skill: Hades had complained to Zeus that he was preventing mankind from going to the underworld. 


1.      “Alias Asclepius or Asklepios”:又名 AsclepiusAsklepios “alias”:又名、別稱。

2.      “represented as a bearded old man”:被繪成一個有鬍鬚的老人。 “represent”:描繪。 “bearded”:長有鬍鬚的。

3.      “bearing a staff entwined around with a serpent”:帶著一枝柺杖繞著一條蛇。 “entwined around”:周圍繞著。

4.      “he is the god of medicine and healing”:他是醫藥與治療之神。

5.      “He learned his leechcraft from a centaur”:他從一個人馬怪學會醫術。 “leechcraft”:泛指「醫術」,特指「用水蛭 (leech) 吸血治人病症之療法」。 “centaur”:人首馬身之妖怪。

6.      “It is said that he was killed by a thunderbolt”:據說他被雷劈死。 “thunderbolt”:雷劈。

7.      “because he had violated the order of nature”:因為他擾亂了自然秩序。 “violate”:擾亂、違犯、妨害。

8.      “by restoring Hippolytus to life”:藉由恢復 Hippolytus 的性命。 “restore … to life”:使 復生。

9.      “But another version has it that …”:「但另一個版本說 」。 “version”是「版本、說法」。 “… has it that …”:「有那麼一說,講到 」。

     他例 “Legend has it that Rip had a sleep for 20 years” (傳說講到 Rip 一覺睡了二十年)

10.  “his death was owing to his good skill”:他的死亡是由於他的好技術。 “be owing to” = “be due to” (由於)

11.  “Hades had complained to Zeus that …”:冥王已經向天王埋怨 Hades = Pluto (冥王、閻羅王)Zeus = Jupiter (天王)

12.  “he was preventing mankind from going to the underworld”:他在防止人類去下界。 “prevent… from”:使不用、防止免於。 “the underworld”:下界、地府。

13.  全段說醫藥之神的造型、技術與下場。「良醫有罪」,是其反諷。 


A     Asclepius or Asklepios, and represented as a         old man bearing a s     entwined a       with a serpent, he is the god of medicine and h      .  He learned his l          from a centaur.  It is said that He was killed by a t          because he had v        the order of nature    restoring Hippolytus to l    .  But another version has    that his death was o     to his good skill: Hades had complained to Zeus      he was preventing mankind      going to the underworld.





