He was Poseidon's son and he was a giant robber. He
let his victims lie on a bed. If they were too short for the bed, he
stretched their limbs until they fit. If they were too long for the
bed, he lopped off however much was necessary to make them fit. Today,
a Procrustean bed refers to a drastic, ruthless measure that demands
conformity at any cost.
“He was Poseidon's son and he was a giant robber”:他是 Poseidon
“He let his victims lie on a bed”:他讓他的受難者躺在ㄧ個床上。
“If they were too short for the bed, he stretched their limbs
until they fit”:如果他們太短了合不來,他就把他們的四肢展延拉長到他們合適為止。
“If they were too long for the bed, he lopped off however much
was necessary to make them fit”:如果他們太長而合不了床,他就切掉不管多少必要的部份,以便使他們適合。
“Today, a Procrustean bed refers to a drastic, ruthless measure
that demands conformity at any cost”:今天ㄧ張 Procrustean 的床,指ㄧ個激烈的、殘忍的「不管代價只求ㄧ致」的手段。
“at any cost”:不惜任何代價。
據說:Theseus 後來便把 Procrustes 放在他自己的床上,然後截斷他,使他自食惡果。今天,所有削足適履的行為都可以稱之為 Procrustean。
He was Poseidon's son and he was a giant r
. He let his v lie on a bed. If they were too short
the bed, he s their limbs until they fit.
If they were too long for the bed, he l off however much
was necessary to make them fit. Today, a Procrustean bed refers to a d
, ruthless measure that demands con at any cost.