He was a blind seer of Thebes. Some say it was Athena that made him blind; others say it was Hera. Anyway, they say he, as a child, accidentally came upon Athena in her
bath and she splashed water into his eyes. In recompense for his
blindness, the goddess gave him the power of prophecy and a staff which
enabled him to walk as safely as if he had his sight. As regards Hera,
they say she blinded him because he said that women had nine times more
pleasure than men in coition. And to make amends for his blindness,
Zeus gave him the power of prophecy.
“He was a blind seer of Thebes”:他是 Thebes 的瞎眼先知。
“Some say it was Athena that made him blind; others say it was
Hera”:有些人說使他眼瞎的就是 Athena,別的人說就是 Hera。
“Anyway, they say he, as a child, accidentally came upon Athena
in her bath and she splashed water into his eyes”:總之,他們說小時候他碰巧遇見 Athena 在洗澡,而她就濺水到他眼睛裡。
“come upon”:不期而遇。
“In recompense for his blindness, the goddess gave him the power
of prophecy”:為了補償他失明,那女神就給他預言的能力。
“in recompense for ...”:為了補償…。
“and a staff which enabled him to walk as safely as if he had his
“As regards Hera, they say she blinded him because he said that
women had nine times more pleasure than men in coition”:至於 Hera,他們說她使他失明是因為他說在
註:Tiresias 曾變為女人,然後再變回為男人,所以擁有兩性的經驗。也因此,Zeus 和 Hera 在爭論「交媾時,男的或女的比較快樂」時,便請他作答。
“And to make amends for his blindness, Zeus gave him the power of
prophecy”:為了補償他失明,Zeus 便給他預言的能力。
更改、改善,其 n.
為 amendment。
Tiresias was a blind s of Thebes. Some
say it was Athena that made him blind; say it was Hera.
Anyway, they say he, as a child, accidentally came Athena
in her bath and she s water into his eyes. In re
for his blindness, the goddess gave him the power of p
and a s which enabled him to walk as safely as if he had
his s . As re Hera, they say she blinded him
because he said that women had nine times more pleasure than men in c
. And to make a for his blindness, Zeus gave him the
power of prophecy.