He was one of the greatest of
the Greek heroes that participated in the siege of Troy. To make him
invulnerable in battle, his mother, Thetis, dipped him in the river Styx
soon after he was born. He certainly became a warrior of irresistible
prowess. But he was subject to violent fits of anger. Once he quarreled
with Agamemnon over the maiden Briseis, and sulked in his tent, refusing
to fight. On hearing of his dearest friend Patroclus' death, however, he
rushed to the battlefield, seeking revenge. There he slew Hector and
dragged his body behind his chariot three times around the walls of
Troy. Later, he himself was killed by Paris, who shot him in the heel
with a poisoned arrow. The heel was his only vulnerable spot because it
was the only part that did not touch the water of Styx, as his mother
held him by the heel in dipping him.
“He was one of the greatest of the Greek heroes that participated
in the siege of Troy”:「他是參與圍攻特洛伊城的最偉大的希臘英雄之一」。“participated
in”= “took part in”(參與)。
“To make him invulnerable in battle”:「為了使他打仗時不會受傷」。句首之“To …”=
order to …”(為了…)。“invulnerable”是「不會受傷的、無懈可擊的」,此字來自“vulnerable”(會受傷的、有弱點的)。“in
“his mother, Thetis, dipped him in the river Styx”:「他的媽媽 Thetis 把他浸在 Styx 河裡」。Thetis 是個女海神 (Nereid)。 Styx 是「冥河」,人浸其水,便刀槍不入。“dip”是「浸」,“tip”是「給小費」。
“soon after he was born”:「在他出生後馬上」。“soon
after…”是「… 之後馬上」之慣用語。他例:“He
died soon after they came”(他們來之後他馬上過世)。
“He certainly became a warrior of irresistible prowess”:「他確實成為一個無法抗拒的英勇戰士」。“warrior”是「戰士」。“irresistible”是「無法抗拒的」,“prowess”是「英勇」。“a
man of prowess”即「英勇的人」。
“But he was subject to violent fits of anger”:「但他容易爆發陣陣的壞脾氣」。“be
subject to…”是「易罹患、易受、會有…」,另例:“The
schedule is subject to change”(此時程表會有變動),“As
a child I was subject to colds”(小時候我易受風寒)。“fit”是「一陣」發作,如“a
fit of coughing”(一陣咳嗽)。“violent
fits of anger”是「激烈的陣陣生氣」。
“Once he quarreled with Agamemnon over the maiden Briseis”:「有一次他和Agamemnon 吵架,由於 Briseis 這位姑娘」。“quarrel
with … over …”是「跟… 爭吵由於…」。他例:“They
began to quarrel over the money”(他們開始由於那筆錢而吵架)。
“and sulked in his tent, refusing to fight”:「而在帳篷裡生悶氣,同時拒絕去打仗」。“sulk”是「慍怒生悶氣」。英文句子中“…, V-ing”這種接尾的分詞構造句常是「同時…」之意。他例:”They
all knelt down, beginning to pray”(他們都跪下來,同時開始禱告)。
“On hearing of his dearest friend Patroclus' death”:「一聽到他最要好的朋友Patroclus 死去」。英文“On
V-ing …”常是「一 …」之意,他例:“On
seeing her mother, she burst out crying”(一看到母親,她就大哭起來)。
of 或 about”事情。
“he rushed to the battlefield, seeking revenge”:「他衝到戰場,(同時) 尋求報復」。
“There he slew Hector and dragged his body behind his chariot
three times around the walls of Troy”:「在那裡他殺死 Hector 而把他的屍體放在戰車後拉著繞 Troy 城三圈」。
“slay”(殺) 是比“kill”更文雅的用字,
slay, slew, slain。
“drag… behind…”是「拉… 在….之後」。“body”指「身體」,但也常指「屍體」。
times around…”是「繞 … 三
“Later, he himself was killed by Paris”:「後來,他自己被 Paris 殺死」。
“, who shot him in the heel with a poisoned arrow”:「他用毒箭射到他的脚跟」。“,
who”的先行詞是 Paris,故指 Paris 射傷 Achilles。
注意:“shoot … in
the …”是指「射某人之某部位」,如“We
only wish to
shoot him in the leg”(我們只想射他的腿)。 這比“We
only wish to shoot his
“The heel was his only vulnerable spot”:「脚跟是他唯一的弱點」。“vulnerable
“because it was the only part that did not touch the water of
Styx”:「因為那是唯一沒有碰到 Styx 河水的部分」。
“as his mother held him by the heel in dipping him”:「因為在浸水時他母親抓住他的脚跟」。“as …”有「因為」之意。“hold … by
the …”是「抓 … 在某部位」之慣用語,他例:“He
held me by the arm”(他抓著我的手臂),“He
grabbed her by the hand”(他抓著她的手)。“in
dipping him”為「在浸他時」。
本長段說了許多Achilles 的事蹟。他很英勇,但易發脾氣。他對朋友有義,對女人癡情。他身上幾乎無懈可擊,但卻仍有致命的要害。他真是令人難忘的英雄。
Achilles was of the
greatest of the Greek heroes that p in the s
of Troy. To make him i in battle, his mother, Thetis,
dipped him in the river Styx s after he was born. He certainly
became a warrior of irresistible p . But he was s
to violent f of anger. Once he quarreled Agamemnon
the maiden Briseis, and s in his tent, refusing
to fight. On hearing his dearest friend Patroclus' death,
however, he rushed to the battlefield, s revenge. There he
s Hector and dragged his body behind his c
three times the walls of Troy. Later, he himself was
killed by Paris, who shot him the heel a poisoned
arrow. The heel was his o part that did not touch the water of
Styx, his mother held him the heel dipping