
He was king of Pherae.  But he is remembered more for his loving mate than for himself.  His wife, Alcestis, was willing to accept death in his place while he was seriously ill. 




1.      He was king of Pherae:「他是 Pherae 之王」。英文講「身份」時,名詞不加冠詞,故說king of…”,不說the king a king of…”Pherae/'fi ri/


2.      But he is remembered more for his loving mate than for himself:「但他被記得,多因他那鍾愛他的配偶,不在於他自己」。be remembered for …”是「因為 而被記得」。more for A than for Bfor A 多於 for B,也就是「大部分由於A而少部分由於 B」。翻譯時,也可以譯成「是因為 A 而非因為 B」。他例I love her more for her chastity than for her beauty(我愛她,多因為她貞潔而非她美麗)loving mate鍾愛的配偶。


    注意loving(主動)「愛他人」的鍾愛,lovely是「可愛的」,lover是「愛人家」的「愛人」,「被愛的」愛人則是love。 因此,通常男生是女生的lover,男生會稱女生為my love而非my lover。女生通常很lovely,有了情感以後也很loving


3.      His wife, Alcestis, was willing to accept death in his place:「他太太 Alcestis 願意替代他接受死亡」。be willing to …”是「願意」。accept death是「接受死亡」。in his place是「替代他」。


    注意:「替代」為in one's placein place of someone。 通常in one's place跟代名詞一起用,in place of …”接名詞。例如He came in my place(他替我來)He came in place of the manager(他替經理來),不說He came in place of meHe came in the manager's place


4.      while he was seriously ill:「當他嚴重生病時」。ill= sick(生病)




Admetus was      of Pherae.  But he is remembered      for his l     m    than for        .  His wife, Alcestis, was w        to accept death    his p     while he was seriously    .





