
He was an ill-starred great hunter.  While hunting, he had the misfortune to come upon Artemis, the goddess of chastity, as she was bathing in the forest.  She changed him into a stag, and he was hunted and torn to pieces by his own hounds. 


1.      “He was an ill-starred great hunter”:「他是個星運不佳的(倒楣的)大獵人。」 “ill-starred” =  unlucky (運氣不好的)

2.      “While hunting”= “While he was hunting”(當他在打獵時)。英文 “while…”子句中之主詞與be動詞常可省略。他例“He typed while (he was) listening to music”(他邊打字邊聽音樂)

3.      “he had the misfortune to come upon Artemis”:「他不幸遇見Artemis」。 “have the misfortune to …”是「不幸」之慣用語。他例 “She had the misfortune to lose the ring” = “Unfortunately she lost the ring”(她不幸丟了戒指)比較 “I have the pleasure to see him in person”(我高興親自看見他) “come upon” = “meet unexpectedly” (不期而遇)

4.      “Artemis, the goddess of chastity”:「Artemis,貞潔的女神」。英文常用逗點(comma) 來引接同位語,他例 “She fell in love with Henry, the banker”(她愛上Henry這位銀行家)“chastity” (貞潔) 之形容詞為 “chaste”

5.      “as she was bathing in the forest”:「當她在林中沐浴時」。英文 “as…”之子句,有「當時」或「因為」之意。 “bathing”來自 “bathe” ,其名詞為 “bath”

6.      “she changed him into a stag”(她把他變成鹿)注意 “stag”是「雄鹿」,= “hart” “doe” “hind”則為「母鹿」。“stag”也常指「純男人聚會的」活動,如“stag night”(「男人夜」的活動)

7.      “and he was hunted and torn to pieces by his own hounds”:「然後他被自己獵狗追捕而撕成碎片」。 “torn to pieces” (撕成碎片) =torn into pieces”。同樣的, “change water into ice”也可說成 “change water to ice” “hounds” = hunting dogs (獵狗)

8.      這段話說到 Actaeon 的不幸。倒楣的他看到貞潔的女神在洗澡,竟被化成鹿而活活被獵死。Artemis 本身是女獵人 (huntress),她的貞潔也未免太殘忍了。 


Acateon was an ill-        great hunter.  While hunting, he     the misfortune to come      Artemis, the goddess of c      , as she was b       in the forest.  She changed him into a s   , and he was hunted and      to pieces by his own h     .





