
She was the jealous wife of Zeus.   As Zeus philandered everywhere, she harried his mistresses and persecuted their children wherever she could.   She became hostile to the Trojans because Paris awarded the golden apple to Aphrodite. 



1. She was the jealous wife of Zeus: 她是 Zeus 的妒恨的太太。 jealous: 妒嫉的,吃醋的。

2. As Zeus philandered everywhere: 由于 Zeus 到处随意留情。 philander: (男子) 不真诚地恋爱留情。

3. she harried his mistresses and persecuted their children wherever she could: 她骚扰他的情妇而迫害他们的小孩,在她可能的任何场合。 harry: 骚扰,使痛苦。 persecute, persecution: 迫害。

4. She became hostile to the Trojans because Paris awarded the golden apple to Aphrodite: 她变成对特洛伊人有敌意,因为 Paris 把金苹果颁给 Aphrodite hostile: 仇恨,敌对。 



Hera was the j______ wife of Zeus.   As Zeus ph______ everywhere, she h______ his mistresses and per______ their children wherever she could.   She became h______ to the Trojans because Paris a______ the golden apple to Aphrodite.







