
He was son of Zeus and Hera, husband of Aphrodite, and often identified with Vulcan by Romans.   He interfered in a quarrel between his parents, and the enraged Zeus threw him over the battlements of heaven.   He was crippled when he landed on Lemnos after falling a full day.   The lame Hephaestus, however, was the god of the crafts.   He built palaces for the gods, forged Zeus' thunderbolts, made Achilles' armor, Harmonia's necklace, and the axe with which the skull of Zeus was split in order to facilitate the birth of Athena.   He created, above all, the first woman Pandora. 



1.      He was son of Zeus and Hera, husband of Aphrodite, and often identified with Vulcan by Romans:他是 Zeus Hera 的儿子,Aphrodite 的丈夫,也常常被罗马人等同于 Vulcan (be)  identified with:等同于、视为同一。

2.      He interfered in a quarrel between his parents:他干扰他父母之间的争吵。 interfere:干涉、干扰 (后常接 in with)

3.      and the enraged Zeus threw him over the battlements of heaven:而生气的 Zeus 把他丢过天堂的城垛。 enraged:生气的。 battlement 城垛。

4.      He was crippled when he landed on Lemnos after falling a full day:当掉落了一整天而后着陆在 Lemnos 岛时,他变成残废。 be crippled:变残废。  Lemnos 是爱琴海上之大岛,Hephaestus 跛脚后在此发展他的工匠技艺。

5.      The lame Hephaestus, however, was the god of the crafts:可是,跛脚的 Hephaestus 却是工艺之神。

6.      He built palaces for the gods, forged Zeus's thunderbolts:他为众神建宫殿,打造 Zeus 的雷霹。

7.      made Achilles' armor, Harmonia's necklace:制造 Achilles 的甲冑,Harmonia 的项链。

8.      and the axe with which the skull of Zeus was split in order to facilitate the birth of Athena:以及那斧头,用它来劈开 Zeus 的头壳,以方便 Athena 的诞生。 ax axe:斧头。 be split:被劈开。 facilitate:使容易(= make easy)

    据说Athena 孕育在 Zeus 的头里,所以必须劈开头壳,以便她诞生。

9.      He created, above all, the first woman Pandora:尤其是,他创造了第一个女人Pandoraabove all: 尤其是。 



Hephaestus was son of Zeus and Hera, husband of Aphrodite, and often i         with Vulcan by Romans.  He in         in a quarrel between his parents, and the en       Zeus threw him over the b         of heaven.  He was c       when he landed on Lemnos after falling a full day.  The lame Hephaestus, however, was the god of the c     .  He built palaces for the gods, f        Zeus' thunderbolts, made Achilles' a      , Harmonia's necklace, and the a     with which the skull of Zeus was split in order to f         the birth of Athena.  He created, above all, the first woman Pandora.







