
She was the Lady of the Lake in King Arthur's story.   She had supernatural powers, gave Arthur the sword Excalibur, and learned magic from Merlin.   When Arthur was sent a jeweled mantle as a gift from Morgan le Fay, she insisted that he compel the messenger to put it on first.   When the messenger did so, he burst into flames and was consumed to ashes. 



1.      She was the Lady of the Lake'  in King Arthur's story:她是阿瑟王故事中的「湖夫人」。

2.      She had supernatural powers, gave Arthur the sword Excalibur, and learned magic from Merlin:她有超自然的力量,给阿瑟那把 Excalibur 的宝剑,而从 Merlin  学到法术。

3.      When Arthur was sent a jeweled mantle as a gift from Morgan le Fay:当阿瑟被送给件镶珠宝的斗蓬当来自 Morgan le Fay 的礼物时。 jeweled mantle:镶珠宝的斗蓬。Morgan 巫师,她与湖夫人同是在故事结尾时,接走 Arthur 的三个黑袍女人之

4.      she insisted that he compel the messenger to put it on first:她坚持他要逼那信差先穿上它。

    注意insist (坚持)  +  that 子句中,常常接 should V,但 should 可省略。故本句中 he compel =  he should compel。坚持或建议 (suggest) 某事,都不是事实,故用假设法 should + V他例I suggested that she leave at once (我建议她立刻离开)

5.      When the messenger did so, he burst into flames and was consumed to ashes:当那信差如此做时,他爆入火焰中而被烧成灰烬。 burst into flames:突然爆发而进入火焰中。「突笑」为 burst into laughter,「突哭」为 burst into tears consume:燃烧、消耗。 



Nineve was the Lady of the        in King Arthur's story.  She had super        powers, gave Arthur the sword Excalibur, and learned m       from Merlin.  When Arthur was sent a jeweled m       as a gift from Morgan le Fay, she insisted that he c       the messenger to put it on first.  When the messenger did so, he b       into flames and was con      to ashes.





