
He was king of Ithaca and a cunning, though great, warrior compelled to attend the Trojan War.   After the ten-year war, he spent another ten years in his homeward journey.   On the way he had a series of adventures including such as his encounter with the cannibal Laestrygones, the narcotized Lotus-Eaters, the alluring Sirens, the witch Circe, the monster Scylla, the one-eyed giant Polyphemus--his descent into the underworld, and his long sojourn with the nymph Calypso.   Back home alone, he found his palace occupied by fifty insolent suitors who were harassing his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus.   Disguised as a beggar, he finally was able to slay the suitors with the mighty bow which he alone could bend. \


1.      He was king of Ithaca and a cunning, though great, warrior compelled to attend the Trojan War:他是 Ithaca 王,也是个虽伟大却狡猾的战士,被逼去参加特洛伊战争。

2.      After the ten-year war, he spent another ten years in his homeward journey:在那十年的战争之后,他花了另外十年在他回家的旅程中。

3.      On the way he had a series of adventures including such as ...:在路上,他有连串的患难冒险,包括诸如 …。

4.      his encounter with the cannibal Laestrygones:他遇上那些吃人的 Laestrygones 人。 encounter with =  meet with

5.      the narcotized Lotus-Eaters, the alluring Sirens:那些被催眠的食莲者,那些诱引人的Sirens (鸟女妖)

6.      the witch Circe, the monster Scylla, the one-eyed giant Polyphemus:那女巫 Circe,那妖怪 Scylla,那独眼巨人 Polyphemus

7.      his descent into the underworld, and his long sojourn with the nymph Calypso:他的下地狱,以及他长久和水神 Calypso 的逗留。

8.      Back home alone, he found his palace occupied by fifty insolent suitors:单独回到家,他发现他的王宫被五十个无礼的追求者占领了。据说:在他回到家之前,所有随行的部下都逐渐在历险中失去,故只剩他一人独回。

9.      who were harassing his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus:他们在骚扰他妻子 Penelope 以及他儿子 Telemachus

10.  Disguised as a beggar, he finally was able to slay the suitors:装扮成乞丐,他最后得以杀死那些追求者。

11.  with the mighty bow which he alone could bend:用那巨大的弓,那弓只有他能弯。 



Odysseus was king of Ithaca and a c       , though great, warrior compelled to attend the Trojan War.  After the ten-year war, he spent another ten years in his homeward j      .  On the way he had a series of adventures including such as his en       with the cannibal Laestrygones, the nar        Lotus-Eaters, the al       Sirens, the witch Circe, the monster Scylla, the one-eyed giant Polyphemus--his des      into the underworld, and his long s       with the nymph Calypso.  Back home alone, he found his palace occupied by fifty in       suitors who were h       his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus.  Dis        as a beggar, he finally was able to slay the suitors with the mighty b      which he alone could bend.





