
He was as cunning as Odysseus, and there was animosity between them.   In order to get out of his vow to go with the Greeks to Troy, Odysseus pretended to be mad by plowing the sands with a horse yoked to an ox.   Palamedes then suggested that Telemachus, Odysseus' infant son, be placed in the paths of the oncoming plow.    The Greeks took the advice and found that Odysseus turned his team aside to avoid killing the child.   To be revenged for this revelation of his trickery, Odysseus later hid gold in Palamedes' tent and forged a letter from Priam that indicated that Palamedes had accepted a bribe to betray the Greeks.   The ruse worked and Palamedes was put to death.



1.      He was as cunning as Odysseus, and there was animosity between them:他跟 Odysseus 一样狡猾,而他们之间有仇恨。 animosity:仇恨。

2.      In order to get out of his vow to go with the Greeks to Troy:为了要逃出他要跟希腊人到特洛伊去的誓言。

    据说:当时许多希腊英雄,包括 Odysseus,都一起追海伦,而一起发誓 (vow) 要在海伦与其选择的夫婿有难时,共同协助他们。可是,当 Helen Menelaus,而被 Paris 拐走时,Odysseus 却想逃脱那誓言,不想跟希腊人去参加特洛伊战争。

3.      Odysseus pretended to be mad by plowing the sands with a horse yoked to an ox:藉由用一匹马配一头牛并轭而犁沙地,Odysseus 假装发疯。 sands:沙地、沙漠。  yoked:用轭系在一起,配轭。

4.      Palamedes then suggested that Telemachus, Odysseus' infant son, be placed in the paths of the oncoming plowPalamedes 于是建议说,把 Odysseus 的婴儿儿子 Telemachus 放在行将到来的犁的路径上。  suggested that ...  be ... = suggested that ...  should be  ... the coming plow:即将到来的犁。

5.      The Greeks took the advice and found that Odysseus turned his team aside to avoid killing the child:希腊听那劝告而发现 Odysseus 把他的牛马调到一旁以免杀害小孩。  turn aside:调转到一旁,调开。  team:一起拉车或拉犁的牲畜,在此指那 horse and ox

6.      To be revenged for this revelation of his trickery, Odysseus later hid gold in Palamedes' tent:为了要报复这次泄露了他的诈术,后来 Odysseus Palamedes 的帐棚中藏放金子。

7.      and forged a letter from Priam that indicated that Palamedes had accepted a bribe to betray the Greeks:而假造一封信来自Priam (Troy 国王),那显示 Palameades 已经接受贿赂要出卖希腊人。 forge:假造。  bribe:贿赂。

8.      The ruse worked and Palamedes was put to death:那策略奏效,而 Palamedes 被处死。  ruse:策略、计谋。 



Palamedes was as c         as Odysseus, and there was a        between them.  In order to get out of his v    to go with the Greeks to Troy, Odysseus pretended to be mad by plowing the sands with a horse y      to an ox.  Palamedes then suggested that Telemachus, Odysseus' infant son,      placed in the paths of the oncoming plow.    The Greeks took the advice and found that Odysseus turned his  t      aside to avoid killing the child.  To be revenged for this re        of his trickery, Odysseus later hid gold in Palamedes' tent and f      a letter from Priam that indicated that Palamedes had accepted a b      to betray the Greeks.  The r      worked and Palamedes was put to death.





