
He was Aeneas' dutiful pilot.   Neptune sent Sommus (the god of sleep) to get him to doze.    He clung to the helm even in his sleep.   When he was pushed overboard, the helm came away with him.   After he was thus sacrificed, Neptune kept the un-helmed ship on her course until Aeneas himself could take charge. 



1.      He was Aeneas' dutiful pilot:他是 Aeneas 的负责任的驾驶员。此 pilot helmsman (舵手)

2.      Neptune sent Sommus (the god of sleep) to get him to doze:海神 Neptune Sommus (睡眠之神) 来使他打盹。

3.      He clung to the helm even in his sleep:他即使在睡眠之中也抓住那船舵。  cling, clung, clung:依附、紧握。

4.      When he was pushed overboard, the helm came away with him:当他被推落海时,那船舵跟他一起跑掉。  overboard:落海、在海外。

5.      After he was thus sacrificed, Neptune kept the un-helmed ship on her course:在他如此被牺牲之后,海神保持那没有舵的船在他的航线上。

     据说:海神要求 Aeneas 牺牲一人为代价,才肯让他的船只航至意大利。而舵手 Palnurus 便如此被牺牲了。注意:船只可用女性 (she, her) 来当代名词。

6.      until Aeneas himself could take charge:直到 Aeneas 自己能够掌舵。  take charge:掌管、处理。



Palinurus was Aeneas' dutiful p     Neptune sent Sommus (the god of sleep) to get him to d     .    He clung      the helm even in his sleep.  When he was pushed over      , the helm came away with him.  After he was thus sacrificed, Neptune kept the un-helmed ship on       course until Aeneas himself could take charge.





