
He was son of Danaë by Zeus.   Danaë's father Acrisius had been told by an oracle that his daughter's son would kill him.   To prevent this he had imprisoned her in a tower so that no man could reach her.   But Zeus visited her in the form of a shower of gold and made her bear Perseus.   On learning of the child's birth, Acrisius set mother and infant afloat in a chest.  They drifted to Seriphus and were received by King Polydectes.   When Perseus grew up, Polydectes sent him to fetch the head of Medusa.   By the help of Athena, who gave him a magic sword, a pair of winged sandals, an invisible helmet, and a mirror-like shield in which he could view the monster safely, Perseus succeeded in the task.   On his way back he rescued and married Andromeda.   Back to Seriphus, he exposed the head of Medusa and turned the evil-intentioned Polydectes to stone.   Later he went to Argos to visit his grandfather and, in the course of some games, accidentally struck him with a discus and killed him, thus fulfilling the prophecy. 



1.      He was son of Danaë by Zeus:他是 Danaë 藉由 Zeus 所生的儿子。

2.      Danaë's father Acrisius had been told by an oracle that his daughter's son would kill him Danaë 的父亲 Acrisius 曾被神谕告知,说她女儿的儿子会杀死他。

3.      To prevent this he had imprisoned her in a tower so that no man could reach her:为了避免这件事,他把她关在一个塔里,好让男人都不能到达她那里。

4.      But Zeus visited her in the form of a shower of gold and made her bear Perseus:可是 Zeus 化身为一阵金雨来造访她,而使她生了 Perseus in the form of:以 之方式,化身为 …。 a shower of gold: 一阵金雨。

5.      On learning of the child's birth, Acrisius set mother and infant afloat in a chest:一得悉这小孩的出生,Acrisius 便令母子二人漂流在一个箱子中。 On learning ... = As soon as he learned learn of ...:得悉 之消息。 set afloat:使漂流。 mother and infant:母亲与婴儿。

    注意成双的用语常省去冠词,故不说 the mother and the infant他例They are man and wife (他们是夫妻)

6.       They drifted to Seriphus and were received by King Polydectes:他们漂流到Seriphus,而被 Polydectes 王所接纳。

7.      When Perseus grew up, Polydectes sent him to fetch the head of Medusa:当 Perseus 长大时,Polydectes 派他去拿回 Medusa 的头。 Medusa 是蛇发女妖,人见其脸便变为石头

8.      By the help of Athena, who gave him a magic sword, a pair of winged sandals, an invisible helmet, and a mirror-like shield in which he could view the monster safely, Perseus succeeded in the task:藉由 Athena 的帮助 (她给他一把魔剑、一双带翅的拖鞋,一顶看不见的头盔,以及一个像镜子一般的盾,在那里头他能安全地看见那妖怪) Perseus 成功于那任务。

9.      On his way back he rescued and married Andromeda:在他回来的路上,他拯救而娶了Andromeda

               Andromeda 原被链在海边岩石上 ,要牺牲给海神派来的妖怪。 Perseus 路过时,杀死那妖怪。

10.  Back to Seriphus, he exposed the head of Medusa and turned the evil-intentioned Polydectes to stone:回到 Seriphus 时,他暴露 Medusa 的头,而把那存心不良的 Polydectes 变成石头。

11.  Later he went to Argos to visit his grandfather and, in the course of some games, accidentally struck him with a discus and killed him:后来,他去 Argos 拜访他的祖父,而在某些游戏的过程中,意外地用一个铁饼打到他 (祖父) 而杀死他。

    注意discus (铁饼)discuss (讨论)

12.  thus fulfilling the prophecy =  and thus he fulfilled the prophecy:而他就如此实现了那预言。 



Perseus was son of Danaë     Zeus.   Danaë's father Acrisius had been told by an  o     that his daughter's son would kill him.   To prevent this he had imprisoned her in a t     so that no man could reach her.  But Zeus visited her in the form of a sh     of gold and made her bear Perseus.   On learning     the child's birth, Acrisius set mother and infant afloat in a ch    .  They d      to Seriphus and were re      by King Polydectes.   When Perseus grew up, Polydectes sent him to f      the head of Medusa.   By the help of Athena, who gave him a m      sword, a pair of w____ sandals, an in       helmet, and a mirror-like sh     in which he could view the monster safely, Perseus succeeded in the task.   On his way back he re     and married Andromeda.   Back to Seriphus, he ex       the head of Medusa and turned the evil-intentioned Polydectes to stone.   Later he went to Argos to visit his grandfather and, in the course of some games, accidentally struck him with a d     and killed him, thus fulfilling the pro      .




