
She was daughter of Minos.   She married Theseus after his wife Hippolyte died.   Once during Theseus' absence, she made advances to her stepson Hippolytus, who rejected them.  She then falsely accused Hippolytus of making advances to her.   The result was: Theseus begged Poseidon to avenge him, Hippolytus was killed, and Phaedra hanged herself. 



1.      Once during Theseus' absence, she made advances to her stepson Hippolytus, who rejected them:有一次在 Theseus 不在家时,她对她的继子 Hippolytus 示爱,他则拒绝那些示爱。 make advances to:接近某人而示爱。 rejected them =  rejected the advances (拒绝那些示爱的行为)

2.      She then falsely accused Hippolytus of making advances to her:她于是冤枉地控告 Hippolytus 想接近而向她示爱。

3.      The result was: Theseus begged Poseidon to avenge him, Hippolytus was killed, and Phaedra hanged herself:结果是:Theseus 请海神 Poseidon 来替他报仇,Hippolytus 被杀死,而 Phaedra 上吊自杀。 avenge somebody:替某人报复。

    按:海神派来妖怪,妖怪使马惊吓,Hippolytus 由车上掉下,被拖拉撞死。



Phaedra was daughter of Minos.  She married Theseus after his wife Hippolyte died.  Once during Theseus' absence, she made ad        to her stepson Hippolytus, who re        them.  She then falsely accused Hippolytus       making advances to her.  The result was: Theseus begged Poseidon to a        him, Hippolytus was killed, and Phaedra h       herself.




