
He was son of Cronus and Rhea, hence full brother of Zeus and Hades.   Originally a god of earthquakes and water, he became the supreme god of the sea.   He was vindictive and tempestuous, subject to sudden and violent rages.   He begot sea monsters of all kinds as well as giants.   He also sired the winged horse Pegasus upon the Gorgon Medusa, and the speaking horse Arion upon Demeter.   The manes of galloping horses are likened to breaking waves.   Thus, the god of the sea is naturally connected to the god of horses.



1.      He was son of Cronus and Rhea, hence full brother of Zeus and Hades: 他是 Cronus Rhea 的儿子,因此也是 Zeus Hades 的全亲的兄弟。 full brother: 全亲的兄弟,非 half brother (半亲兄弟)

2.      Originally a god of earthquakes and water, he became the supreme god of the sea: 原来是地震和水之神,他结果变成最高之海神。

3.      He was vindictive and tempestuous, subject to sudden and violent rages: 他很会报复而有风暴的脾气,常常会突然暴烈的发怒。 subject to =  being subject to =  and was subject to : 而易于 …,而常会 …。 violent rages: 很暴烈的发怒,狂怒。

4.      He begot sea monsters of all kinds as well as giants: 他生各种海妖怪以及巨人。 按:他是 Triton (人头人身鱼尾的海神)和 Polyphemus (独眼巨人) 的父亲。

5.      He also sired the winged horse Pegasus upon the Gorgon Medusa, and the speaking horse Arion upon Demeter: 他也靠蛇发女妖 Medusa 生了带翼的马 Pegasus, 以及靠地母 Demeter 生了会说话的马 Arion  sire ... upon ...: 之父亲 (生了…) 靠着 …。

6.      The manes of galloping horses are likened to breaking waves: 跃奔的马鬃被比成破浪。 manes: 鬃毛。 be likened to: 被比成 …。 breaking waves: 破浪。

7.      Thus, the god of the sea is naturally connected to the god of horses: 因此海神被自然地联想为马神。  be connected to =  be associated with : 被联想成。 



Poseidon was son of Cronus and Rhea, hence f___ brother of Zeus and Hades.  Originally a god of earth______ and water, he became the supreme god of the sea.  He was v_______ and tempestuous, subject __ sudden and violent rages.  He begot sea monsters of all k____ as well as giants.  He also s____ the winged horse Pegasus upon the Gorgon Medusa, and the s_______ horse Arion upon Demeter.  The m____ of galloping horses are likened __ breaking waves.  Thus, the god of the sea is naturally con______ to the god of horses.




