
Igraine conceived and bore him out of wedlock.   The wizard Merlin reared him until he revealed himself as the fated ruler of England by pulling the magic sword Excalibur from a stone.   He truly used a Round Table to seat his knights so that the equality of those seated at it was indicated.  He and his knights of the Round Table had a great number of chivalrous adventures. 



1.      Igraine conceived and bore him out of wedlock Igrain 怀他而生他在婚外关系中。 conceive:怀孕。 bear, bore, born or borne:生。 out of wedlock:婚外 (关系) in wedlock:婚姻 (关系) 中。


    据说Merlin 设计使英王Uther Pendragon 化身为 Igraine 的夫婿 Gorlois,因而使她怀孕生下阿瑟。


2.      The wizard Merlin reared him:巫师 Merlin 养育他。 wizard为「巫师」, witch则为「女巫」。 rear:建造、养育 (= bring up)


3.      until he revealed himself as the fated ruler of England:直到他揭露自己为英国注定的统治者。 reveal as:揭露为。 fated ruler:注定的统治者。


4.      by pulling the magic sword Excalibur from a stone:藉由拔出魔剑 Excalibur 从一块石头中。


    据说:那把剑插在石中,无人有力气可以拔出,而有力拔出者,便是未来的英王。Arthur 拔出此剑时,仍是小孩。


5.      He truly used a Round Table to seat his knights:他真的用一个圆桌来给他的武士坐。 seat:使坐。


6.      so that the equality of those seated at it was indicated:因此表示坐在桌边的那些人是平等的。 those seated at it =  those knights who were seated at the Table. (坐在桌边的那些武士) the equality was indicated:平等被表示出来。


7.      He and his knights of the Round Table had a great number of chivalrous adventures:他和他的圆桌武士有许多侠义的事迹。 chivalry, chivalrous:侠义、武士 () adventure(冒险) 事迹。



Igraine con        and bore him out of w          .  The wizard Merlin r       him until he re         himself as the f       ruler of England by pulling the magic s       Excalibur from a stone.  He truly used a Round Table to s     his knights so that the e          of those seated      it was in        . He and his knights of the Round Table had a great number of ch         adventures.





