
The Arcadian Atalanta was a huntress who took part in the hunt for the Calydonian Boar.  The Boeotian Atalanta was a hoyden who refused to marry any man unless he could outdistance her in a footrace since she was fleet of foot.   This Boeotian Atalanta gave terms that her suitor should have a short start, and if she could not overtake him she would marry him; but if she could overtake him she would plunge a spear into his back.   She was finally won by Hippomenes, who, as she was overtaking him, flung down severally three of Aphrodite's golden apples, which she paused to pick up and so lost the race. 



1.      The Arcadian Atalanta was a huntress who took part in the hunt for the Calydonian Boar:阿卡迪亚的 Atalanta 是个女猎人,她参加 Calydonian 的猎猪大会。

2.      The Boeotian Atalanta was a hoyden who refused to marry any man:比欧西亚的Atalanta 是个拒绝嫁任何人的顽皮姑娘。 hoyden是又大胆 (bold) 又会喧闹 (boisterous) 的女孩,等于所谓的 tomboy (顽皮姑娘)

3.      unless he could outdistance her in a footrace:除非在竞走赛跑时,他能够领先胜过她。 outdistance(距离) 胜过、领先。 footrace:竞走、赛跑。

4.      since she was fleet of foot:因为她脚程很快。 fleet当形容词用为「快捷」,当名词为「舰队」。 of foot:「步行」(用于 swift of foot, slow of foot 等成语中)

5.      This Boeotian Atalanta gave terms that her suitor should have a short start:这位比欧西亚的 Atalanta 给条件说:追求她的人将先出发走ㄧ小段路。 give terms:给条件、约定。 suitor:追求者。 have a short start:有个短程 (或短时间) 的出发。

6.      and if she could not overtake him she would marry him:而如果她不能追上他,她就嫁给他。 overtake:赶上、追及;突然遭遇。

7.      but if she could overtake him she would plunge a spear into his back:但如果她能追上他,她将掷矛进入他背部。 plunge:丢掷 (=  thrust, throw) spear:矛。

8.      She was finally won by Hippomenes:她最后被 Hippomenes 赢得。

9.      who, as she was overtaking him,:他,当她在追上他时。

10.  flung down severally three of Aphrodite's golden apples:一个一个地扔下三个Aphrodite的金苹果。爱神 Aphrodite 给他金苹果,帮他延误她的脚程。 fling, flung, flung:扔、丢。 severally:一个一个地、个别地。

11.  which she paused to pick up and so lost the race:那些 (金苹果) 她停下来检起来而因此输掉了这赛跑。 



The Arcadian Atalanta was a h        who took        in the hunt for the Calydonian Boar.  The Boeotian Atalanta was a h        who refused to marry any man unless he could out          her in a footrace since she was f      of f      .  This Boeotian Atalanta gave t       that her suitor should have a short       , and if she could not over       him she would marry him; but if she could overtake him she would p        a spear into his back.  She was finally won by Hippomenes, who, as she was overtaking him, f      down severally three of Aphrodite’s g       apples, which she p         to pick up and so       the race.






