She was the second wife of Priam, to whom she bore 19
of his 50 sons. She witnessed her sons and her husband killed, her
infant grandson murdered, herself and her daughter enslaved. She was
assigned to Odysseus at the division of the spoils of Troy. When she
learned that her last surviving son Polydorus had been murdered by King
Polymestor, she and her women murdered Polymestor's children in his
sight and then blinded him.
“She was the second wife of Priam, to whom she bore 19 of his 50
sons”:她是 Priam 的第二個妻子,她給他生了五十個兒子中的十九個。
“She witnessed her sons and her husband killed, her infant
grandson murdered, herself and her daughter enslaved”:她目睹她兒子與丈夫被殺死,她的嬰兒孫子被謀害,她自己和女兒們被奴役。
(infant grandson)
指 Hector 的兒子 Astyanax。 Troy 被攻陷後,他被從城牆上丟下致死。
“She was assigned to Odysseus at the division of the spoils of
Troy”:在分配 Troy 的戰利品時,她被指定給 Odysseus。
“be assigned to”:被指定給 …。
“When she learned that her last surviving son Polydorus had been
murdered by King Polymestor”:當她得悉她的最後存活下來的兒子 Polydorus 已經被 King
Polymestor 殺害時。
“she and her women murdered Polymestor's children in his sight
and then blinded him”:她和她的婦女們當著 Polymestor 的面謀殺了他的兒子,而然後把他弄瞎。
“in one's sight”:當著某人的面、令他看見。
Hecuba was the wife of Priam, whom
she bore 19 of his 50 sons. She w her sons and her
husband killed, her in grandson murdered, herself and her
daughter en . She was assigned Odysseus at the
division of the s of Troy. When she learned that her last
sur son Polydorus had been murdered by King Polymestor, she
and her women murdered Polymestor's children his sight and
then b him.