They were the Lotus-Eaters upon whom Odysseus and his
men came after they had escaped the murderous Ciconians and had survived
a prolonged tempest. They browsed on a food of flowers which induced a
dreamy lassitude, a soporific contentment and freedom from care. Some
of Odysseus' men ate of this food and immediately lost all desire to
return to Ithaca. Odysseus had these men dragged back to the ship by
main force and bound them beneath the benches until they had gained the
open sea.
“They were the Lotus-Eaters upon whom Odysseus and his men came”:他們是 Odysseus 和他部下遇到的食蓮者。“come
upon”: 不期而遇。
“after they had escaped the murderous Ciconians and had survived
a prolonged tempest”:在他們逃離那些殺人的
Ciconians 以及活過一個很久的暴風之後。
“prolonged”: 拉長的、很久的。
“They browsed on a food of flowers
which induced a dreamy lassitude”:他們咀嚼一種花的食物,那食物會產生夢般的懶散。
“a soporific contentment and
freedom from care”:一種產生睡意的滿足以及擺脫煩憂。
“soporific” = sleep-producing
“Some of Odysseus' men ate of this
food and immediately lost all desire to return to Ithaca”:Odysseus 的一些部下吃了這食物而立刻失去回到 Ithaca 的所有欲望。“eat
of, drink of sth.”:吃到、喝到某物。
“Odysseus had these men dragged
back to the ship by main force”: Odysseus
“and bound them beneath the benches
until they had gained the open sea”:而綁他們在椅子下直到他們到達大海。
“the open sea”:大海、公海。
They were the L _-Eaters
upon whom Odysseus and his men came after they had escaped the murderous
Ciconians and had survived a pro tempest.
They b on a food of
flowers which in a
dreamy lassitude, a soporific contentment and freedom from care.
Some of Odysseus' men ate this food and
immediately lost all desire to return to Ithaca. Odysseus had
these men dragged back to the ship by m
force and bound them beneath the benches until they had g the
open sea.