She was the faithful wife of Odysseus. During the
twenty years when Odysseus was absent at the Trojan War and in his
subsequent wanderings, she kept her fidelity to her husband although she
was sought in marriage by fifty insolent suitors, especially Antinous.
To gain time she said she could not marry again until she had finished
weaving a fine shroud for Odysseus' father, the aged Laertes, against
the day of his death. Then each night she unwove what she had woven
during the day. Today, we may praise a woman for being “as chaste as
“She was the faithful wife of Odysseus”:她是 Odysseus 的忠貞的妻子。
“During the twenty years when Odysseus was absent at the Trojan
War and in his subsequent wanderings”:在那 Odysseus 不在
據說:Odysseus 參戰十年,戰後在海上流浪十年才回到家鄉 Ithaca。
“she kept her fidelity to her husband although she was sought in
marriage by fifty insolent suitors, especially Antinous”:她保持對丈夫忠貞,雖然有五十個無禮的追求者,尤其 Antinous,來尋求要跟她結婚。
“fidelity”:忠貞 (=
“To gain time she said she could not marry again until she had
finished weaving a fine shroud for Odysseus' father, the aged Laertes,
against the day of his death”:為了贏取時間,她說她不能再結婚,直到她織完ㄧ件精緻的屍衣給 Odysseus 的父親
(那年老的 Laertes)
“a fine shroud”:一件精緻的屍衣。
“Then each night she unwove what she had woven during the day”:接著她每晚解開她白天時所織成的東西。
“unweave, unwove, unwoven”:打開、解開
“Today, we may praise a woman for being ‘as chaste as Penelope’”:今天我們或許會稱讚ㄧ位婦女因為她是「像 Penelope 一般貞潔」。
Penelope was the f wife of Odysseus.
During the twenty years when Odysseus was ab at the Trojan
War and in his sub wanderings, she kept her f
to her husband although she was sought in marriage by fifty in
suitors, especially Antinous. To g time she said she
could not marry again until she had finished weaving a fine sh
for Odysseus' father, the aged Laertes, a the day of
his death. Then each night she un what she had woven during
the day. Today, we may praise a woman for being “as ch as