
He was father of Jason and half brother of Pelias.   Pelias deprived him of his right to the throne of Thessaly.   Medea and Jason avenged him and rejuvenated him by boiling him in a magic concoction. 




1.      half brother:同父異母或同母異父之兄弟。


2.      Pelias deprived him of his right to the throne of Thessaly Pelias 剝奪他登上Thessaly 王座的權利。right to …”:對的權利。


       注意deprived 某人 of  某事、物:剝奪某人之某事、物。他例It deprived her of the property (那剝奪她這財產)


3.      Medea and Jason avenged him Medea Jason 為他報仇。avenge是伸張正義之「替人報仇」,revenge是「報復」。


4.      and rejuvenated him by boiling him in a magic concoction:而把他變年輕、藉由煮他在一個法術的構造中。rejuvenate:使變年輕。concoction:建構成的東西,可指編造的故事、配置的菜、籌劃的設計、虛構的東西等。




Aeson was father of Jason and h    brother of Pelias.   Pelias deprived him    his right    the throne of Thessaly.   Medea and Jason a       him and r          him by boiling him in a magic c        .





