
He was brother of Menelaus (hence brother-in-law of Helen), and commander-in-chief of the Greek army against Troy.  He was a brutal man, vindictive and cruel by nature.  He had great courage, but he was rather irresolute and insolent.  In order to appease Artemis and gain a favorable wind for his fleet, he sacrificed his eldest daughter Iphigenia.  In the sack of Troy, he permitted his men to desecrate the shrines of the gods, and let them carry off Apollo's priestess Cassandra as a concubine of his.  It was due to such things that he had a hard time coming back home and was finally murdered by his wife Clytemnestra and her paramour Aegisthus. 


1.      “He was brother of Menelaus (hence brother-in-law of Helen)”:他是 Menelaus 的哥哥 (因此 Helen 的大伯) MenelausHelenHelen Troy 王子偷走,引起特洛伊戰爭。

2.      “and commander-in-chief of the Greek army against Troy”:以及希臘軍隊對抗特洛伊的統帥。

3.      “He was a brutal man”:他是兇野的人。

4.      “He had great courage, but he was rather irresolute and insolent”:他很有勇氣,但相當猶豫不決,而且傲慢無禮。

5.      “vindictive and cruel by nature”:天生好報復又殘忍。 “vindictive”:喜歡報仇的。 “by nature”:天生、本性。

6.      “In order to appease Artemis”:為了要安撫 Artemis

7.      “and gain a favorable wind for his fleet”:而獲得一陣有利的風給他的艦隊。

8.      “he sacrificed his eldest daughter Iphigenia”:他犧牲了他最大的女兒 Iphigenia

9.      “In the sack of Troy”:在劫掠特洛伊城時。

10.  “he permitted his men to desecrate the shrines of the gods”:他允許他的部下去褻瀆眾神的神龕。 “desecrate”是「褻瀆、汙辱」,而 “consecrate” 則為「尊崇、供俸」。 “shrine”:神龕、寺廟。

11.  “and let them carry off Apollo's priestess Cassandra”:而讓他們帶走 Apollo 的女祭司 CassandraCassandra 是特洛伊的公主。

12.  “as a concubine of his”:當作他的一個妾。

13.  “It was due to such things that…”:就是由於如此的事情所以

14.  “he had a hard time coming back home”:他回家時有段辛苦的日子。

15.  “and was finally murdered by his wife Clytemnestra and her paramour Aegisthus”:而最後被他的妻子 Clytemnestra 和她的情夫 Aegisthus 所謀殺。

16.  這段講述特洛伊戰爭時,希臘聯軍統帥 Agamemnon 的生性作風,以及他的報應。 


Agamemnon was brother of Menelaus (hence brother-in-    of Helen), and commander-in-     of the Greek army a      Troy.  He was a b      man, v          and cruel __- nature.  He had great courage, but he was rather irresolute and i       .  In order to a       Artemis and gain a f         wind for his fleet, he sacrificed his e       daughter Iphigenia.  In the s    of Troy, he permitted his men to d         the s       of the gods, and let them carry off Apollo's p        Cassandra as a c           of his.  It was d   to such things that he had a hard time coming back home and was finally m       by his wife Clytemnestra and her p        Aegisthus.





