
He was king of the Phaeacians.   He and his family hospitably entertained Odysseus and presented him with rich gifts, before sending him back to Ithaca in one of their magic ships which needed no pilots. 




1.      He was king of the Phaeacians:他是 Phaeacians 人的國王。那族人都愛和平,很奢華,很好客。


2.      He and his family hospitably entertained Odysseus:他和他家人慇勤地款待Odysseushospitable:待人慇勤的。entertained:款待、使快活。


3.      and presented him with rich gifts:而且給他豐富的禮物。注意present 某人 with 某物的句型,例如She presented me with a souvenir (他給我一件紀念品)


4.      before sending him back to Ithaca in one of their magic ships:在把他用其魔船之ㄧ送回到Ithaca以前。


5.      which needed no pilots:那些 (魔船) 不需要駕駛。 無駕駛而能自行航海的船隻真是magic ships




Alcinous was king of the Phaeacians.   He and his family h           entertained Odysseus and presented him     rich g    , before sending him back to Ithaca in one of their m     ships which needed no p     .





