
She was the nymph or the she-goat that nursed Zeus.  After her death she arose to the heavens and became the constellation Capricorn. 




1.      She was the nymph or the she-goat that nursed Zeus:她是哺養 Zeus 的女神或母羊。nymph是山林、河海、泉水ㄧ帶的女神。she-goat是「母山羊」,公山羊則為he-goat


2.      After her death she arose to the heavens:死後,她升到天上。arise, arose, arisen是比rise, rose, risen更文雅的用語。heaven不指「天堂」而指「天空」時,常用複數heavens


3.      and became the constellation Capricorn:而變成魔羯星座。constellation:星座。Capricorn:魔羯宮。


    注意the Tropic of Capricorn是「冬至線、南回歸線」,the Tropic of Cancer則是「夏至線、北回歸線」。 




Amalthea was the n      or the s  -goat that nursed Zeus.  After her death she a     to the h       and became the c            Capricorn.





