She was daughter and sister of
Oedipus, since her mother Jocasta was also Oedipus' mother, whom he
married later unwittingly. She accompanied Oedipus in his wanderings
after he plucked out his own eyes and exiled himself from Thebes. After
Oedipus' death, she returned to Thebes. There in defiance of King Creon's order, she gave her dead brother the proper rites of burial. In
consequence of this, she was immured in a cave, where she took her own
“She was daughter and sister of Oedipus”:她是 Oedipus 的女兒以及妹妹。
“since her mother Jocasta was also Oedipus' mother”:既然他母親 Jocasta 也是Oedipus 的母親。
“whom he married later unwittingly”:(這個人)
“She accompanied Oedipus in his wanderings”:她陪伴 Oedipus 在其流浪中。
“after he plucked out his own eyes and exiled himself from
“After Oedipus' death, she returned to Thebes”:在 Oedipus 死後,她回到Thebes。
“There in defiance of King Creon's order”:在那裡,在抗拒 Creon 國王的命令時。
“defy, defiance”:抗拒。
“she gave her dead brother the proper rites of burial”:她給她死去的哥哥適當的安葬儀式。
“rites of burial”:安葬的儀式。
這位哥哥是 Polynices,他是攻打Thebes之勇士之ㄧ。 古希臘人相信:人死沒安葬,不得升天。
“In consequence of this, she was immured in a cave”:由於這個緣故,她被幽禁在一個洞穴裡。
In consequence of this = As a result of this。
“where she took her own life”:在那裡她取掉自己的性命。
take one's life:取某人性命。
Antigone was daughter and
of Oedipus, since her mother Jocasta was also Oedipus'
mother, whom he married later un . She a
Oedipus in his wanderings after he p out his own eyes and
e himself from Thebes. After Oedipus' death, she returned
Thebes. There in d of King Creon's order, she
gave her dead brother the proper r of b . In c
of this, she was im in a cave, where she her
own life.