Called Diana in Roman mythology,
she was daughter of Zeus and Leto, and twin sister of Apollo. As a
virgin huntress, she often wore a tucked-up gown and carried a bow and a
quiver of arrows. She was the goddess of chastity and of birth, and she
had the power of inflicting or healing sickness. It is said that she
had assisted her mother Leto with the delivery of Apollo only a few
moments after her own birth, and that she created an averse wind to
detain Agamemnon and the Grecian army because he had killed a hare which
was big with young. She was sometimes identified with the goddess of the
moon, or with Hecate, goddess of the moon, earth , and underground realm
of the dead.
“Called Diana in Roman mythology”:在羅馬神話中被稱為 Diana。
“she was daughter of Zeus and Leto, and twin sister of Apollo”:她是 Zeus 和
Leto的女兒,以及 Apollo 的孿生姊姊。
“As a virgin huntress, she often wore a tucked-up gown”:當個處女獵人,她常常穿著摺起的外袍。
“and carried a bow and a quiver of arrows”:而帶著一把弓以及一筒箭。
注意: “to
have an arrow left in one's quiver”為「某人囊中仍有箭留著」,即「尚有本錢」之意。
“She was the goddess of chastity and of birth”:她是貞潔與佑生的女神。她會保護女人之貞潔,也會保護生產幼兒。
“and she had the power of inflicting or healing sickness”:而她有給予疾病或治療疾病的能力。
“inflict”:給予,加 (害)。
“It is said that she had assisted her mother Leto with the
delivery of Apollo only a few moments after her own birth”:據說她曾幫她母親 Leto 生下 Apollo,就在她自己出生只有幾剎那之後。
“assist (或 help) sb. with sth.”:幫某人做某事。
“deliver, delivery”:分娩,接生。
“and that she created an averse wind to detain Agamemnon and the
Grecian army”:又據說她造了一陣逆風去阻留 Agamemnon 以及希臘軍隊。
“because he had killed a hare which was big with young”:因為他殺了一隻懷著幼兒而大肚子的野兔。
“be big with young”或
“be big with child”:懷胎而大肚子。
“She was sometimes identified with the goddess of the moon”:她有時被認為就是月神。
“be identified with …”:被認為就是 …。
“or with Hecate, goddess of the moon, earth , and underground
realm of the dead”:或被認同為 Hecate,那就是月亮、地球與死者之地下國度等三界之女神。
“underground realm”:地下國度。
Called D in Roman
mythology, she was daughter of Zeus and Leto, and t sister of
Apollo. As a virgin h , she often wore a t -up
gown and carried a bow and a q of arrows. She was the
goddess of c and of birth, and she had the power of in
or healing sickness. It is said that she had assisted her mother
Leto the delivery of Apollo only a few moments after her
birth, and she created an a wind to de
Agamemnon and the Grecian army because he had killed a hare which
was with young. She was sometimes identified the
goddess of the , or with Hecate, goddess of the moon, earth ,
and underground r of the dead.