She was a nymph living on Ogygia,
a lonely island called “the navel of the sea.” The shipwrecked Odysseus
spent seven years with her there after leaving Circe. She offered him
immortality and perpetual youth if he would stay on. But he longed for
home and Zeus sent Hermes to command her to let Odysseus go. So, this
sojourn came to an end though it brought them three sons.
“She was a nymph living on Ogygia”:她是住在
Ogygia 島上的女神。
“a lonely island called ‘the navel of the sea.’”:(那是)
“The shipwrecked Odysseus spent seven years with her there after
leaving Circe”:在離開
Circe 之後,船毀的
Odysseus 在那裡跟她度過七年。
“She offered him immortality and perpetual youth if he would
stay on”:她提議給他不死和永恆的青春,如果他願意繼續待下去。
“stay on”:繼續待。
“But he longed for home and Zeus sent Hermes to command her to
let Odysseus go”:但他嚮往家鄉而
Zeus 派
Hermes 去命令她要讓
Odysseus 走。
long for:渴望、嚮往。
“So, this sojourn came to an end though it brought them three
Calypso was a nymph living
Ogygia, a lonely island called “the n of the sea.”
The s Odysseus spent seven years with her there after
leaving Circe. She o him immortality and p
youth if the would stay . But he l for
home and Zeus sent Hermes to c her to let Odysseus go.
So, this s came to end though it brought them
three sons.