It was a city founded by Dido.
After her father Belus died, Dido fled from Tyre to the site of her
future city. There she asked the natives for as much land as could be
enclosed with a bull's hide. The request granted, she had a bull's hide
cut into narrow strips and with them she enclosed a space which became
the city.
“It was a city founded by Dido”:它是
建立的城市。 “found, founded, founded”:建立。
“After her father Belus died, Dido fled from Tyre to the site of
her future city”:在他父親
Belus 去逝之後,Dido
從 Tyre
逃到她未來城市的地址。 “site”:地點、地址。
“There she asked the natives for as much land as could be
enclosed with a bull's hide”:在那裡她要求當地人給她ㄧ隻公牛皮所能圍起來那麼多的土地。
“as much land as ...”:如 ... 那麼多的土地。
“a bull's hide”:一隻公牛的皮。
“The request granted,” = “The request being granted,” = “When the
request was granted,”:那要求被賜給的時候。
“she had a bull's hide cut into narrow strips”:他令一隻公牛的皮被切成狹長的小片。
have + 受詞
+ p.p.:令 … 被 …。
“and with them she enclosed a space which became the city”:而用它們她圈了一個空間成為那個城市。
Carthage was a city by Dido. After her father Belus
died, Dido f from Tyre to the s of her future
city. There she asked the natives as much land could
be enclosed with a bull's . The request g ,
she had a bull's hide cut into narrow s and with them she
enclosed a s which became the city.